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Better or worse than getting punched out by a 72 year old astronaut?

So Asgardian magic/science (I loved when Thor called it that) couldn’t get The Ether our of her, but Rocket could?

If it feels like torture then they aren’t doing it right. A good 3 hr movie shouldn’t feel like 3 hours at all.

Production on Guardians for Gunn will begin after production has concluded on The Suicide Squad, the DC Comics sequel Warner Bros. snapped the director up for in the wake of his firing

For the alt-right trolls:

It is kind of a weird and inorganic thing to bring up

Those costumes aren’t bad, not as puffy but close to the Frank Quitely New X-Men designs from 2001.

Tremors holds a deep, DEEP place in my film loving heart but I just can not understand the love for any of the sequels. I’ve tried to watch most of them and uniformly turned them all off within 10 minutes.

Ok, so the whole point of the original Predator was that it was an alien who was hunting a bunch of badasses for sport, because that’s how they got thier dreads off. Where is the sport in upgrading yourself with other aliens abilities, and then traveling to a place to hunt where the most dangerous thing is an

The final duel was when I was like, “Ah, here’s the obligatory Marvel.” It and Wonder Woman could have done without them.

Everyone who dies coming back is straight from the comics so I’m not too worried about anyone’s return. And I want everyone back. I’m not one of these people who needs a death to “show what the stakes are.” That’s how you get the crap Whedon does which leaves you cold because it’s clearly so calculated. Besides, I

which then links to Lake Michigan (the body of water that borders Chicago) via another route

I didn’t see it because I kind of expected it to be...fine.

This is already more exciting than anything in Ready Player One.

Meanwhile, Charlize Theron promised IndieWire she’s “working on a sequel” to Atomic Blonde.

I always thought his gloved hand blocked the shot.....

I could really care less about this movie, but the hate it’s getting is amusing me to no end, from the mocking posters (someone made one using Schindler’s List) to this epic theme song from one of writers on The Good Place:

He’s probably too old to play the role now, but I think he would be a fantastic Adam Warlock.

While the voice of Surtur is Clancy Brown

Nope. You have The Mist in the wrong list - that ending is brutal, haunting and utterly chilling, and the film is all the better for it.