
MK actually started off pretty good, but the longer it went on the more it kind of deflated. 

If he can deliver, fans might get more than just one Mortal Kombat. They may get Mortal Kombat movies for a long time coming.

People are so mad that other people think it’s good lmao

In conversation with Pop Culture, The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles star, John Patrick Flannery, stated he’d “absolutely” return for Indiana Jones 5.

Shouldn’t that be Sean Patrick Flannery?

I loved Skull Island and King of Monsters, so I'm pumped for this one. Can we have a trailer for it already? Please? 

It wouldn’t take much fudging to have had Natasha active in the ‘70s or ‘80s, and kept alive and young by Soviet knockoffs of the Super-Soldier Serum or something.  Plus, it’d help explain how she can punch way above her weight class, so to speak.

<Looks at list.>

If everybody who has whined about public health related lockdowns for the last six months would just shut up and do it for 6 weeks, then they wouldn’t have to whine about it anymore because it would be a much smaller problem.

Don’t say that, that’s how you end up with Prometheus!

I think the fact that the trailer aired with absolutely no Marvel branding is telling enough.

we were being menaced by — I can’t even tell you — a surprising faction of prehistoric creatures that you’ve never seen before.

The extra credit irony is that Disney is infamously control-freaky about it’s intellectual property and hasn’t exactly been shy about setting the lawyer loose on anyone who even looks sideways at, let alone violates, its trade-marks.

I think that’s kind of like Tijuana, where you want to see it just to see it.  Then after you see it you realize you didn’t need to see it.

There’s a lot I miss that io9 used to do.

“Another guiding principle we had was there are no final victories,” he said. “Every generation have to sort of take up the struggle again. Fight old evil in new forms.”

This is as good a place as any to say goodbye.

I’d like more Fede and Mia, please.

Third movie: no, it’s not, you can only delay it. Here’s a liquid/solid Terminator hybrid.