
He thinks Nigeria in Civil War and the African country in Age of Ultron were Wakanda. I guess all African nations look the same to him :-/

Wait, what battles? Am I remembering things but I thought there was only one scene at all IN Wakanda, which is the Bucky gets frozen scene at the end of Civil War.

What will it be called? Sinsidious? Insinister?

Annalee Newitz and Charlie Jane Anders, who made io9 a phenomenal, indispensable site about science fiction and the future from day one.

ODeck lives as long as its memory lives.

But honestly, her passing is, at least for me, the symbolic end to the Golden Age of ODeck. It really felt like that era had passed with her.

They really hit the sweet spot starting this site when they did. Geek culture was amping up, science fiction was becoming indistinguishable from reality, and it allowed them to be a powerful voice in shaping perceptions of it all.

God, I remember how proud I was when I got that star from Annalee Newitz back in 2009. And then how proud I was when I got promoted again in whatever debacle it was a few years later that made us lose our comment promotions and had a bunch of people editing their profile pics to put the old stars on them. Come the

Looking back, you can see that Annalee and Charlie Jane’s predictions have basically come to pass, as science fiction, fantasy, superhero, and horror tropes have come to dominate our everyday discourse in ways that were unimaginable back just ten years ago. It seems like barely a week goes by that you don’t hear Elon

You and Rob need to bring back the FutureShow on Youtube.

It’s not a Spider, on my planet it means “hope”.

It doesn’t look like anything to me.

The oddest irony of this thing is how great Jessica Chastain would have been as adult Jean Grey:

Seriously. This is their fucking “in” to making Starjammers their own Guardians of the Galaxy and that would be pissing it away

Two words: Tom Hardy.

I can’t wait for the threads touting those series, so I can swoop in and talk about how uninteresting they are to me.

You honestly seem like a paid shill for WB at this point.