
I am pretty sure BC isn’t going anywhere.

I think it is complete sensationalism claiming BC will be taken away. It won’t be taken away, only the responsibility for it and it’s cost will shift.

A few things, 1) it is complete sensationalism to put the blame on Trump here. This is a woman’s issue driven by women, the same ones that voted for him and press the conservative policy here that is leading this charge. 2) Women have plenty of choices they can make prior to their body becoming the sustaining womb

Hey, relax. Women and Hispanics voted for Trump is strong numbers. The guy can’t be that bad.

While a complete ban is outrageous, it seems that the largest Christian nation in the world would have some valid reasons for limiting the number of immigrants with a vastly different religious view from coming here.

I understand people not liking Trump, but we are throwing the word “evil” around really nonchalantly here. He isn’t a demon. He is a wealthy man who has become President with similar views and attitudes as a large portion of this country’s population. At it’s core, there is a conservative view on how a nation of

It is like anything else, if the election was important to those people, they would have had all their paperwork/ID’s etc. ready to go.

I think it’s intention was to protect the urban farming communities from the burgeoning majority that worked in concentrated population centers.

Your words are just dripping with intolerance and bigotry.

I think that is a bit dramatic, no?

In principle that is perfectly fine. Clinton, Obama etc...wasn’t the president of many with that line of thinking. That is the beauty of America.

The system was created by some of the most astute political minds of the time/any time. The electoral system protects both the majority and minority from abuses of the whims of the populace. It should never be changed.

There is only one God. So, are you a teen and unmarried? Is it that you don’t want to be pregnant or can’t take on the responsibility of that natural consequence? Why are you engaging in sexual intercourse?

I voted for Clinton and prayed that if Trump were elected thoughtful conservatives would right the coming ship...I think we will not see that.

Please, this is just life. Cyclically there is no way that in today’s world in this country a party can or should hold onto power at the Presidential level for 12yrs, this was a natural adjustment. This wasn’t the Patriarchy either...a large percentage of women and hispanics voted for Trump. This is political

Our Founding Fathers set up the Electoral College for times just like this. We should be thanking them for their foresight and genius with regard to this governmental grand experiment.

You should probably remember that she has made mistakes on the verge of criminal and in decades worth of public service has been driven by an ego as large as Donald’s.

Honestly, I heard Trump on the Sean Hannity show a few times well before his intention to run became a reality and in those appearances he was very thoughtful, sober and engaging. I hope that is the President he will be.

I am pretty sure a diverse voting block consisting of a record number of hispanics, along with asians, blacks, women and rejuvenated white males can’t all be racist....if there is ever a picture of diversity that is it.

Maybe I am crazy, but America is still mostly white, right? I mean I don’t typically read articles from Syria, Iraq or Nigeria where white’s are saying that about people of color.