
This is what you don’t get...Hispanics voted for Trump because they are not afraid to say, this is a nation of laws and there is a legal way to become a citizen...children are a blessing and protecting the unborn our duty.

I think we should be excited that women so fully involve themselves with politics and engage in that right they won so long ago to vote. This is the result. Women who vote based on their natures...the welfare of children, the stability of family, the economic future of their husbands and the security of their country

We already did that with her husband.

I think we have to give a lot of credit to our Founding Fathers who created this system, this Republican form of Democracy, to ensure activism, cooperation, majority will and minority safeguards. Let’s stop bashing white people and take a moment to thank them for creating the greatest country the world has ever known.

As Trump said: “It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds, and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people — and serve the people it will.”

Sorry, not buying that argument considering a very large block of educated white women voted for Trump. America loves women and women seem to think that what they could do for their country was protect it from rampant liberalism and Hillary Clinton.

Of course you matter. The question is do individual special rights supercede the general rights of the majority? Obviously the answer is no. It’s impractical.

I would argue that the problem with women is that they came out in droves to vote for Trump.

Republicans always have strong turn 0ut in mid-term elections over democrats. Also, considering many Dems in some places didn’t show up due to rain, I don’t expect anything different two years from now.

Trust me, the Republican party felt like that 8yrs ago. This is a good thing for everyone. It allows time for the Democrats to build for the future. It allows the Republicans the opportunity to do what they couldn’t under Obama, solve some of these larger issues facing America. I think the first 100 days will be

These are people that see the world differently. That isn’t bad, as a matter of fact it is the epitome of diversity. Let’s show some decency here.

That is very narrow minded and the same could be said about the Democratic party.

Obama couldn’t have said it better. We have to assume that our fellow citizens want the best for their country and in effect we only disagree over how to do it, not that it needs to be done.

There are so many wonderful organizations that do real good in this world. Let’s not forget Samaritan’s Purse, Compassion International, Campus Crusade for Christ, Focus on the Family, World Vision...

Come on, all the doom and gloom. With the conservative mandate Trump will bring together people who can actually solve the immigrant issue, even if a short moratorium must be put in place. The government can address budget issues and tackle infrastructure issues. They can strengthen the family unit and help this

Relax people, the Earth is fine. We must do our part, but Trump will not destroy all we have accomplished. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Be responsible and teach your children the same.

Yes, we are. We have conservatives and liberals. We have Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindu’s and Cultists. We have blacks, whites, hispanics and asians. We have men and women. We have rich and poor. We have straight and gay. We are the greatest country in the world though because of that. But it isn’t easy.

Well of course. Make good choices. Look out for your communities. Teach children skills they can use. Love your women and support the family unit. All will be well.

Please, take a deep breath. This is a typical cycle of political re-balance. We have a two party system and this is a vote for conservatism. This shouldn’t shock anyone after 8yrs of liberalism. Everyone will be fine, nobody is going to use this as a signal to persecute minorities.

I am as shocked as you....but why would we think that most Americans accept the policies surrounding abortion, immigration, public schools and the economy? America looks across the globe and seems a population that does not practice or agree with our religion, politics, work ethic or lives. How could we not think