
I think if we flip it around, you are saying you do not share the same values as the electorate and the vast majority of the population. Let that sink in.

I would guess Obama is drinking a beer, looking over early scouting reports for NCAA Basketball, scouring the web to delete all of the crazy pictures Malia is posting from college and practicing his public speaking.

I think it is a bit narrow minded to say white people have not always been key activists in all equal rights battles and were instrumental in these 8yrs of Obama. White people aren’t the enemy.

Oh, I completely believe we will see a woman president in our lifetime. Clinton had a lot of baggage and was not well trusted. Many believe she was criminal. It will happen, patience.

In some ways, when we are discussing “experience” it reminds me of a Jr. Senator who defeated a seasoned politician/businessman just 8yrs ago.

I think this is a natural shift. Liberal policies driving progressive legislation had some time in the sun over the last 8yrs but we as a country need to re-balance. Conservative voices need to be heard. That is democracy, humanity and life. Life isn’t a free for all, there are rules, morals, truths and liberties

I would say that is an ignorant and narrow view. American’s are some of the most educated, hard working, giving and innovative people in the world.

Crazy. Ultimately though, this election after dissected and written about will be a powerful example of the success of the Suffragette Movement. For the first time in history educated women made their voices heard and they chose a conservative white male to lead. Let that sink in too.

What do you mean? You don’t think Republicans are concerned about minorities and women? That is a very narrow view.

It’s a new day. Let’s smile at our neighbors. Help that person that doesn’t look like us. Hug a child. Read our bibles. Pray. It will all work out and this country will be fine.

I think the election swung on the votes of college educated white women.

Don’t forget that the election swung on the votes of college educated white women.

Check with Nancy Pelosi about that.

Don’t fool yourself. This election went to Trump because college educated white women were tired of babies being killed and their and their husbands pockets being pilfered by liberal special interests after 8yrs of trying it Obama’s way.

This election was about a few things: failure of the liberal agenda, rise of the female voice in politics, mature/adult concern over broken immigration policy and the false narrative of the evil white male and his blood lust.

That is hard to swallow considering this election swung on the votes of college educated white women.

Yes, me too. I thought the country was very well united with Bush. Obama’s election seemed to ring in more joint collaboration and hope. But, Obama failed. I agree. We have to do better.

Take a breath people. Neither option was optimal. After 8yrs of liberal policies, having a strong conservative voice guiding our decisions isn’t going to destroy us. It may actually bring some balance to this country and our dialogue.

One should always take an oath over the highest authority...this is troubling. Her favorite verses also are troubling as they are not true either.

Everyone take a breath. This is just a typical adjustment based on 8yrs of liberal policy. Everything will be just fine and we as a country will just face some of the major issues facing this country with a more conservative outlook guiding us. There is nothing wrong with that.