
So, Marvel writers could never figure out what to do with Cyclops. They have failed that character. Also, making Ice Man gay is ridiculous. Who came up with that? Stupid.

Okay, so Ice Man is now gay and Jean Grey is leader of the X-Men team and not Cyclops? What is going on here? I can’t even read Marvel anymore it is so messed up.

I think it is part of women’s nature to say no and fight to test the man’s resolve. A woman doesn’t want a man who gives up. She wants to be taken, which is why so many women have rape fantasies. Also, to maintain sexual market value, a woman cannot give up sex too easily for fear of devaluing it. Ultimately, as

This team has a long way to go.

When I was a boy and heard the news that the Browns were moving to Baltimore, I cried. Today, I would throw a party if this team moved!

You can tell by the reporting that the liberal news media is frightened to death that this be Islam related. This is Ohio State. You think Trump was going to shut down immigration before...if this is a muslim, sorry, it’s over. I see no other reason for it not being mentioned. If it were a white guy, that would

I think you took it that way because you are a normal and intelligent person. The rest of these fools getting all weirded out are idiots.

Either a Muslim or someone from Michigan. Nobody from Ohio or someone who loves OSU would be shooting two days after that historic win.

This show is at times brilliant and at times overbearing. The characters are hard to like and the pacing is at times laborious. They could have done w/out a homosexual character. Alice’s breasts are so large, they are very distracting in both a good and bad way.

While I get it....and beauty pageants seem to be morphing with the times...this seems odd.

Well, he will kill everyone but the writers want to make sure that is is clear that he was outdone along with his white supremacist empire by a multi-cultural band of heroes led by a brave and righteous woman. The political commentary of FA and Rogue One are disgusting and I am shocked and offended to the point of

The writers have recently come out and stated they made this movie to highlight the racist, xenophobic and misogynist empire controlled by evil white men and made the heroes a multi-cultural group of heroes led by the righteous woman. They have destroyed the greatest fantasy series ever. I won’t go see this, I am

Much of this sounds like an infrastructure issue which Trump should help correct. Literacy is an issue that requires teachers, parents and students to “work” toward a specific goal, reading. You get one broken link in that chain and boom, illiteracy. Obviously, the poor have many disadvantages here.

I find it interesting how much backlash Ivanka gets from women. I mean here is a woman who is educated, attractive, hard working, runs a business, has three children and supports her husband and works closely with her father and brothers. I don’t know if there could be a more perfect woman.

From my perspective, if Trump can attack the issue of infrastructure, revamp immigration and appoint quality supreme court justices...he will be a success. Well, as long as he does nothing illegal or encourages the Nazis.

I guess the real question is are Trump/Conservatives saying “no Muslims” or are they saying “fewer Muslims, more restrictions on those areas and better vetting.”? I think so. Which to me, in a country based on religious freedom for the sake of Christianity and the culture that has built up around those

Pretty sure John Adams made John Quincy minister to Prussia (Germany). I think we will be fine people. Relax.

While none of us want a monarchy and we all want to foster an environment of inclusion and opportunity based on merit and not blood line, much of Trump’s success equaling America’s success may rely on the counsel he receives from Ivanka and Jared.

I think Ivanka and Jared will help Trump succeed with wise counsel. I have no problem with their involvement.
