
It isn’t your daughters who are needing to’s your sons if they are gay.

I think Clinton has won. In a landslide. Trump is no answer.

I am not sure a handsome rich guy with Oscar winning talent is much of a mystery.

As an Indians fan, I would love to see the Dodger win this NLCS b/c I feel like we are a much better team than they are. The Cubs have a huge advantage over us.

I actually agree with this line of thinking. This is actually one of the most significant and pivotal points for scholars arguing the case for the validity of the Gospels...that there is similarity, but the differences show the pov of the author and what was significant to them about the events.

While realism is always a foundational aspect of storytelling in any genre, the comic medium which is a particularly significant visual medium, is also rooted in fantasy. In no person’s fantasies are women remotely dressed appropriately for any activity but dressed to stimulate the visual senses for men and capture

Yeah, it is hard to believe considering men are visual creatures...and ultimately we don’t know what you mean by “fat” so...hard to gauge.

15lbs is really nothing depending on where it sits...and if you are 40 and it has settled over a number of years through age, childbirth etc...could actually be very attractive.

I don’t think the terms “skinny” or “curvy” have any meaning today. The media have made them as irrelevant as “racist.” People have no point of reference anymore when you use them.

I think it’s a pretty brilliant marketing campaign. A great idea to not only jump-start a woman’s sexual desire but her desire to eat healthy. This is a win win for her and her mate. I applaud the person behind this.

What is up with the desire for homosexuality to be displayed in media b/n characters that have never been portrayed/written as homosexual? This is ridiculous.

As I have said, critics knew they needed to blast BvS and SS b/c Disney fears what is coming...a DC universe far more intriguing and appealing than even the pinnacle of the Marvel U (Winter Soldier) could produce. Just think about the box office bonanza’s in Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, the solo Batman film, JLA and

Having a gay Iceman or Colossus is just ridiculous. They aren’t gay. There are boys who become men and engage in normal heterosexual sexual relationships.

I hope the older one isn’t gay and it comes out that the younger one was just confused.

Is this going to be about the real Iceman or the gay one? The gay one doesn’t interest me. I like the real Iceman though, he’s one of my favorites.

Yes, and I am sure the Swedes living in Minn would say the same thing about the Vikings. The point is we take team names mascots as representations of traditions we want to honor. People pay large sums of money for their caricatures to be made. It is funny, honorable and part of the American tradition.

Wow, just an awesome poster. Beautiful girls. I think the Native Americans should be praising this work for keeping their old ways and images relevant and honored. This seems very much in the vein of honoring different cultures to me.

Thought it was great and needed a sequel. I thought Hayden was perfect in it.

I like the Block C better. But, I also like Chief Wahoo.

I wouldn’t read too much into that. Just switched hats.