
I think if the Indians had a healthy Brantly, Carrasco, Salazar, Baur and the ability to play Almonte that the Cubs would have a real challenge. As it is, and I love this Indians team, their road ends in the WS without a win.

I find it hard to believe any fan, white, black, asian or native american attempts to associate themselves with anything they don’t have respect for. It is out of that respect they put that name across that chest and out of respect they use the caricature. Any other interpretation is projecting and completely off

I think in a situation where a team has been in existence for 100yrs, they have native american ties (Sockalexis) and native american is hard to say that this team name and mascot caricature isn’t anything more than “fun” and completely appropriate.

There team name is ‘Indians’ and their mascot is ‘Chief Wahoo’....there is nothing racist about it in the context of sports and competition. This is getting out of hand.

The character is 12. As soon as he hits puberty like all normal boys he will want to have sex with girls.

Had this award been delivered to him in the 60's, absolutely.

I think it is over. Trump has lost. The tide has turned. Clinton landslide imminent.

I think a lot is expected of Kershaw. I think he is a wonderful pitcher. But, with such a talented team, their losses can just be as easily pinned elsewhere...

Pretty sure $35 million can buy a lot of jeans, carhartt t’s and axes. That’s all Bum needs.

This is going to be a landslide. Historic. Clinton is just laughing right now.

Someone explain to me how the greatest adventure story of all time became a testament to feminism? Seriously.

I would not have invited him.

Darren Sharper is a convicted felon serving time in prison. Art Briles was fired over lack of institutional control but himself never was involved in any actions against women....those choices were made by players in his program.

I literally see no issue here. Art Briles is a football coach. That is what he was doing. He was not asked to preside over the lives and moral well being of the players, he was asked to teach them offensive principles.

I agree. The sheer power and fear inspiring nature of Vader proved through his actions both great and small and his fearlessness in battle is what makes him such a great villain and tragic hero.

No, disagree...the filter is what makes it so beautiful.

This just got crazy.

These two are gross. Dump them. Horrible.

I think had LeBron not come back and Bennett was part of a young Cavs squad that included Irving, Wiggins, Thompson etc...with patient coaching and development he would have been a solid contributor/starter.

Tom Brady is the life. Perfect response. People are so dumb. We all know someone who we don’t condone certain actions / statements of. How does that reporter think Tom would respond to a query by his kids...exactly!