
I can’t believe how quickly Sleepy Hollow went sideways.

Can the Indians beat the Jays?

Trump is done. Clinton has won. Landslide.

I think Kelly is one of the Top 5 coaches in college football. Just a rough year. He does yell a bit, but I also see a lot of teaching from him.

I have never been so depressed going into an election.

Clinton in a landslide. This guy has no chance.

Clinton in a it will be historic.

I am not really a fan of the grays. They still wear them, but the blue are in.

Anyone else as surprised as I am? I mean the Rangers look just as good if not better on paper.

I want an Emily Blunt / Elizabeth Olsen film. I don’t want them to be lovers, or comedic or be someone’s troubled girlfriends...but a real film where they do things and have to solve something and maybe fight someone.

But it didn’t, the findings were that he handled the cases professionally and upright.

Sounds like he fulfilled the responsibilities at Wesleyan professionally which is the most we can ask of anybody.

I think it is pretty safe to say that groups of women can spend time together and have healthy relationships without turning sexual. No different here and it seem more like a Rucka male fantasy than a realistic canonical character depiction.

I think Rucka misunderstands the character. It is a shame because she is truly a magnificent one.

Canon. BS. This homosexual angle is simply a contrivance based on this generations misunderstanding of healthy sexuality and the homosexual agenda power brokers forcing themselves on the mainstream. Wonder Woman loves 2 things....Justice and Men.

I think when we start believing our greatest heroes are sexually deviant and depraved is when we lose them as heroes. They represent the best we can be...especially for writers who themselves struggled with healthy sexual relationships.

I can’t tell you how much I loved this show as a boy. To this day I believe Ceasar Romero was the best Joker. A hero and a show for a much simpler and respectful time.

I don’t think we can base the perceived sexual identity of the most significant female heroine of our time on the sexual depravity of her creator. She represents the core ideals of femaleness...which in and of itself is the opposite of and complimentary to maleness. She is not gay, but virtuously heterosexual.

Sorry, not buying it. There is nothing “obvious” about Wonder Woman having sexual relationships with women...and to be honest, outside our deviant sexual culture...past generations wouldn’t have thought it remotely possible.

Obviously, a huge part of women’s ability to be productive with children is their partner...who as stated above is highly productive as well. Also, it might be fair to clarify what productivity means...getting results from other peoples efforts may not really require as much as the production from actually producing.