
I think it is cool watching the Indians play this well with less than household names and castoffs. We will certainly miss Carrasco...but this team has all the ingredients to win.

For the last time...Wonder Woman is not gay. That is ridiculous.

I think Batwoman is inconsequential and really a waste of a character. She is a lesbian so no attraction to any of the males in the Bat family...she is red headed like Barbara so no real uniqueness and she isn’t as good of a fighter as Cassandra, so what is the point?

It would be nice is Logan re-boots the Wolverine franchise w/ X-23. I hope she’s his daughter and I hope those films are better then the Wolverine films which were all huge disappointments.

In my mind either 1) They are monsters who drugged and raped her 2) They are monsters and they took advantage of a woman with alcohol and drug problems or 3) She has made this up and loves sex so much that she wanted to try three men late one night.

I completely agree with you. I mean if her allegations are true, then Rose and his two friends are monsters. I mean horrific people. I can’t see how they don’t end up in jail for a very long time.

Top 10 Greatest Heroes of All-Time: Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Hulk, Flash, Aquaman, Thor, Wolverine

Bumgarner is awesome. The Giants are the Patriots of MLB and Madison is Tom Brady.

I thought the movie was great. Completely re-watchable.

I can’t really argue that women in the military in combat roles is a good idea. It isn’t.

Most men don’t rape and most girls don’t get black out drunk and isolated from their friends.

I never heard of them either.

Great start to October baseball. My only regret is that the Indians won’t have a healthy Carrasco or Brantley and Almonte isn’t available. That would be a team to fear.

I think there has to be some type of smoking gun in the Rose case his defense attorney has in his pocket if Rose so confidently feels he will be exonerated. I have a feeling that he is going away for a long time.

I like the Orioles, but their pitching staff is bad so it is hard to root for them.

What I find so interesting is the concept of television rape. In general, this is not something men fantasize about or do. It is typically about power in real life and is used as a trope to either show villainy or create moral dilemma’s. But research has shown that women in high percentages have rape

I would just call him Anty for short.

I think they are good. If they get AD back, they will be right up there with the best....but ultimately they are lucky the NFC is in a down year b/c they won’t have to worry about the Pats, Steelers or Broncos.

I hope she finds success. I think it must be tough to “be you” when your sister is so famous.

From my point of view, the University should provide the accuser and accused an unbiased and safe place to “document” the details of an incident in question and then remand those documents to the police.