
Gross. Just what people want, two gay males mentoring a young boy. Sounds pretty illegal.

I am not sure we need a ‘Misty Knight’ show. I don’t see her being that compelling. But, she is magnetic on screen and is a beautiful black woman.

I am enjoying it. I think they have taken great care in telling a thoughtful story. Heads and tails above Jessica Jones. Daredevil is still the benchmark, but I like this universe and hope that they do deliver at least 3 shows a year beginning in 2018.

These have been the most hopeful losses in two decades. I hope they continue on this trajectory. Maybe we’ve found a QB too!

Indians fan, absolutely not.

I am not sure what you are talking about here. What behavior? If you as a woman could say that he didn’t believe he did anything wrong, then maybe he didn’t and you don’t understand male sexuality?

Obviously people don’t really understand sexuality and creation. There is no way Wonder Woman nor the vast majority of the amazons lesbian. They are virtuous warriors who have left the world of man. They still live in a world with men, procreate with them and follow the basic drives of women.

Oh please. M0S, BvS and SS have all been excellent films. Ben will continue establishing himself as the best Batman of them all. Can’t wait!

I think sexual deviation has gone way too far when people can’t accept the notion that numbers of same gendered people living and working together in a healthy and virtuous manner would not require sexual relationships for fulfillment. Most people find same sex attraction to be completely abnormal.

Even her mother says it...they are “sisters.” This is not a term for lovers. These relationships are healthy and full without the stain or sinfulness of unbridled sexuality and sexuality outside the bounds of matrimony.

I think there may be a fallen human reality, but the virtuous world of Wonder Woman is about “healthy” female relationships. They eschew the male world, but they still interact sexually with men. Wonder Woman herself would have been a chaste virgin upon Steve Trevor’s arrival and her virtuous and heroic nature would

I think most Wonder Woman fans throughout the ages would have said a few things: 1) The Amazons were virtuous warriors 2) Their sexual desires were met by men, they just lived separate from men 3) Wonder Woman epitomizes “healthy” heterosexual female relationships with wonderful close female friends but her sexuality

No, I don’t buy this. Amazons were not cut off from males. The traditions related to Amazons show a very healthy and cyclical arrangement with male society to procreate. They just chose to remain isolated as a society.

I am not sure there has ever been a blessing that has come with such an overarching curse as breasts.

I am just completely shocked with all the time spent writing about this movie. Let it die, it was horrible.

Time for Florida to retire number “81"...nothing but trouble there.

It is interesting about Dez b/c he’s probably the most talented WR I have ever seen but b/n the officiating of certain “catches,” his unbridled emotion and the injuries...he will never live up to that billing and one day simple by a “where are they now” topic.

It is such a cop out to say “teach your boys not to rape.” As if it doesn’t take two to tango. Teach your children how to have make wise choices about sex and to recognize red flags and avoid situations they aren’t ready for.

I am not sure we can live in a society where we punish men b/c their lives may be easier. I care about both the girls and boys involved in any sexual encounter. They can easily escalate and outside the bonds of marriage there is no sure fire way to ensure both parties were understood.

Exactly. Most people in general aren’t able to communicate about sex with the opposite gender, much less 20 somethings under the influence of alcohol and raging hormones.