
I think Mike Pence is a very real reason for so much Trump support. I think most conservatives are expecting Trump to be the sound-bite and Pence to run the government.

Britney is beautiful. She is a very talented dancer and has an uncanny ear for musical innovation. It is nice to know she has people looking out for her career, estate and well-being while she performs and gets to be a mother.

Cosby is an outlier. He got away with terrible crimes b/c the women (multiple women) he raped never said a word. Whether that was due to power, fear, payoffs...RAIN statistics though tell us that most rape accusations come from women b/n 18-25, alcohol is involved and they have a relationship with the accused. It

Yes, but there should be a time limit for the accused to be able to mount a clear, relevant and fresh defense against their accuser.

I would more readily believe Angie is the problem.

They are both poor candidates. It is a shame, but the backlash from 8yrs of Obama has put us here. Look, Clinton is what we think she is. I don’t know if that is enough. Trump is a complete wild card. We know that Pence has had some wins in public service. Voting Trump may not be so bad.

Obama has left this country so devastatingly divided that I am not sure what to do. With Trump, at least we get to put the brakes on progressiveness and an opportunity to recalibrate our policies toward a more conservative bent. That may be the best option.

Although we all love a 50's style Superman...a little edge is always good and I think it is a great time to explore a love relationship with Wonder Woman. I think we all have to realize that the reality of Superman is that he will live a long, long time. He will watch Lois, Bruce etc...die...and what will be left is

I think a powerful Superman (Clark Kent) in love with Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) is all we need. Anything outside that is just boring for this generation.

Might be simpler for the person who called to give the officers a heads-up, “my brother is mentally ill, he is having a seizure, he is unarmed, he is easily confused...”and diffuse the situation.

Holy crap! So, what is the controversy? That this guy was shot is no surprise now. Obviously his sister was no where near him b/c he was dangerous...even if that isn’t a gun, she wanted no part in that either.

I really don’t know what to say. This is sad. Fear leads to so much tragedy. I think it is just imperative as a citizen when police are involved to humble oneself and comply to all their instructions. I think this woman should have clearly stated, “Officers, my brother is mentally ill, having a seizure but he is

It’s 2016. Let’s respect authority, support nuclear families and show empathy to our fellow man. There is no reason to get shot in a routine pull 0ver. There is no reason for single mothers to raise multiple children with the support of grandparents and no father. We must do better.

I think instead of sending people to Mars it would be better to work on technology to send people’s trash to the Sun.

I am pretty sure that scripture teaches the extinction event is called the second coming...and that really isn’t about extinction but about us going home.

I am in the Pitt camp here. I think Angie has been the wild card here historically collecting both kids and husbands. To me this sounds like Angie wanted more freedom to follow her dreams and Brad brought to her attention that the kids were the most important thing and dragging them into danger / not being their for

This was a very good show...but her smoking made her very unattractive.

I do think empathy is the answer. Empathy on both sides.

I think Downey Jr. deserves a lot of credit for jumpstarting the Marvel universe with the success of his first film. However, despite all the praises being lumped onto the Marvel films, it has really been Cap that has carried this Universe, Marvel and all the players. His film Winter Soldier was the closest thing

Dr. Strange is a niche comic book hero and the film is reminiscent of films we see with Eastern influence like ‘Crouching Tiger’ with a bit of Inception thrown in. I think it will be well received but I don’t expect it to appeal to a broad audience.