
I will say this, 4yrs of Trump would be one heck of a wild ride.

I couldn’t be more excited about a Ben Affleck Batman film.

Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are both true. There are some BLMers that use tactics that are completely wrong. There are some racists who use the All Lives Matter moniker to hide their racism. But, overall, LBJ got this right...end the conflict b/n police and black people and remember that every

I hate LeBron, but couldn’t agree with him more. I especially relate to his feelings for his son and while he was talking just wanted to hug him and say “I stand by you” and “I want to help change things too.”

I am not convinced that she genuinely likes him...but I have to think there is a relationship there for her to do that. Obviously, at that level of wealth and standing they aren’t that much different. Yes, they have differences of opinion, but the gulf is not as wide as the parties want you to believe.

The tricky thing about Toronto is that they represent a Canada who have no historical issue with blacks....but are incredibly cruel to THEIR majority minority who come from India/Pakistan.

My first thought is that I hope someone with a lot of money discovers there is another Bush son and can come to our rescue! My second thought is I see no real issue with a three-term president if Obama wants to stay.

Gender fluidity is common among pre-pubescent children. They are “learning” about gender and it is quite natural for a girl to say she’s a “boy” and a boy to say he’s a “girl.” I think “doing” anything about it as a parent that might be permanent prior to puberty is wrong. Also, as a parent I think you have a

I think these are dark days.

I think he did something very wrong. I think he sought counseling and changed his ways. I think it is interesting one of the more significant themes of 7th Heaven were accountability, forgiveness and redemption. Not saying Katherine doesn’t have every right to be angry and feel betrayed...but maybe she should also

How did Star Wars go from the stories of the Skywalker/Solo clan to the story of the Erso’s?

As long as Darth Vader destroys every single one of these Rogue One cast members at the end...this will be an overwhelming success. If not...ughhh.

I think Smallville had the most natural concept...Kara, being a girl naturally “matured” into her powers quicker and had a better grasp on her abilities earlier...but a fully matured Superman would be more than a match for Supergirl.

I just love how the ‘depowering’ of Superman continues and it is just naturally accepted. Look, the dude is the most powerful super hero in the DC Universe. Kara is not stronger or faster, Wonder Woman is not stronger or faster and despite her “training” is not overwhelmingly better than him at hand to hand...Batman

I am not sure what “enjoyable” in this context means. I loved BvS. I love Civil War. One was an epic style moving film that told a powerful story about the consequences of an epic battle b/n two almost-god like aliens. The other was a big screen worthy story about two men standing on principle and those principles

I think people are looking at this all wrong. While Marvel was busy building their cohesive Universe DC was trying to figure out how to reboot the two most successful movie franchises of all time, ultimately trying to remake Stairway to Heaven with a new band.

I think they should have learned, ‘don’t listen to critics.’

I have loved the DC movies. I don’t want my DC films to look or feel like Marvel.

It is really hard to speculate about this divorce b/c we don’t know which rumors are true and which are being spun to get an advantage in custody hearings.

I don’t think that is his argument at all. He is father to these children and has a significant say in decisions regarding their safety. Also, when you are talking about such trips, it isn’t like she is going for fun. There would be schedules, responsibilities and nannies. I am sure Brad wants to make sure that a