
I agree. Connection, love, respect...lust all might drive someone to cheat. If they had been separated, I mean it’s Brad Pitt. It isn’t like he has to go out looking for women who might find him attractive.

If we take a step back, on one hand you seem to have a handsome, talented and very down to earth man who supported a woman through multiple adoptions, natural birth and the tune of 6 kids, stood by her when she chose a double-mastectomy and the removal of her ovaries. He supported her causes and

I completely disagree. Marion is gorgeous. Also, let’s be honest...if there were issues in the marriage and they were separated, an American hunk and a French bombshell getting together isn’t so surprising.

I don’t think they are portraying her as a whore, but for one to believe that she would consent to having sex w/ three men, one has to believe that she was promiscuous, had a strong sexual appetite and doing something of this nature would not be out of character for her in a 1am visit.

I will be honest. There are only two conclusions here...1) That she encouraged and consented to sex with three men and was functional enough to do so or 2) These three men are monsters that should be locked away for a very very long time.

I would say Marion Cotillard would be very hard to resist....for any man, much less Brad Pitt whom she might actually fancy.

I think the political strategy is called ‘democracy.’ It isn’t that remarkable that a situation typically guided through ‘common sense’ when placed before the public for legislation would become much more rigid and conservative.

I think we all have to calm down and remember that until recently, NC like all other states handled transgender people / bathrooms with common sense action. Unfortunately, like the transgender boy in VA, “common sense” wasn’t enough and circumstances dictated legislation. Obviously, once up for public

What is the “real” market for female Star Wars figures? I mean, I have never seen girls on that aisle. Are boys really asking for a Rey or Leia action figure over an extra storm trooper or obscure bounty hunter?

I think it is sad when any marriage fails. It is going to be tough for the kids. I thought they were a good couple.

Maybe China should make their own movies.

While we can’t fault the Browns for stockpiling picks and drafting young players at other positions in preparation for getting a franchise QB next year...(remember Tim Couch)...the biggest indictment of the current brain trust is that this draft came and went with them balking on Wentz, Prescott and even the Pats

Can I just vote for Obama?

Did they do the same for men who initiated a good idea?

Yes, and is Mexico the greatest country in the world, no.

Complete money grab...don’t think this was done based on some higher moral principles. The NCAA saw an opportunity to move to new venues and they took it.

I hope they pull the plug on this real soon and have a speedster mess with the timeline in a way that only this storyline and the storyline of Colossus being gay are wiped from memory. Burn these. I want to vomit.

I just don’t buy it. This is ridiculous. I don’t know how anyone could make such a decision. Let me ask you a question....what can be so fundamentally wrong with heterosexuality that a team of people would decide to make a foundational X-Men character gay? Really? Is there really something wrong with men liking women

This is just gross. Marvel has gone too far. I am done. I never once thought of Bobby Drake from my earliest influences in Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends to the original X-Men tales to the most recent portrayals in the movies as gay. I don’t know who green lighted this but this is sick. I feel betrayed by Marvel.