
I grew up with Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends and loved the original X-Men comics. Ice Man was one of my favorites. This is like having everything good in your life stolen from you. I can’t believe someone green lighted this. Why can’t people invent new heroes that are gay instead of making changes like this that

This is horrible. You have to be kidding me. People are just sick to think that this was a good idea. I am done with Marvel. Ice Man gay. Give me a break.

Are you f-ing kidding me! Ice Man is not gay. That is ludicrous.

Yes, in my experience men get sick once every decade and need 3 days to recover. Then they are fine for another ten years. Women take a sick day, go back to work, still feel bad, take two days, then go back, take a 1/2 day for a Dr. visit then work a few more days waiting for the meds to kick in then take another two

Yes, and anyone who has had children knows that the child will be very thankful for their mother. If the father came they would say, “I want mommy.” Now that is a fact.

Men have a much different relationship to work than women. Women can have varying degrees of integration with work into their lives.

I don’t agree. Rarely do boys want the female action figure. If it comes with a set, sure...but to ask for a female lead over the third tier male villain or the additional “trooper” character would be odd.

These are strategies based on marketing toys in a genre dominated by boys. There are other markets that have similar strategies in place that support girls.

I think the genre does not necessarily cater to large amounts of female leads, characters and toys. As a boy, you aren’t really going to dare ask your parents for a Black Widow a girl, as nice as it would be, you are probably going to choose a Barbie. Wonder Woman will break box office records b/c Gal

I think a full scale rebuild should have begun when Graham went to Seattle. Now, well, they are on their way to a mess.

I think Dunkelman must wake up everyday and cry.

I think Lima was married to your typical alpha jock male and that failed. So, I can see where her next stop would be the unassuming, funny “is he gay or not” kinda guy for her next try at romance.

If I were writing a Batman and Robin story, I would use Dick. If I am writing a Robin’s Tim.

He did win a Super Bowl. He was a member of a team and did his job. He should be commended.

I agree with Trent.

I think the issue arises through poor management! Once the uterus becomes occupied, then...well it isn’t “mine” anymore is it? It is then a lived in space by a life that is only 50% yours in nature. It is 50% someone else’s that may have a vested interest in protecting it.

I think this is so myopic. Whoa is me, a woman! What about men? Do they get it all? Not at all.

I am unsure why one can’t have it all? The problem is with expectation. A woman can have a strong marriage, a fulfilling career and babies....and what comes along with those wonderful things are choices, sacrifices, opportunities and regret. What you may not get is the fulfillment of expectations, which may say more

I think Plan A should be the father supports the mother while she raises the children.

I think objectifying people toward an end is wrong. My concern though is that men and women today do not have the drive to enter into long term committed relationships with the joyous result being multiple children. With that end the two work together to rear the children and provide for the family..even if it means