
I think the end coming for the Vampire Diaries and probably The Originals is a shame. This is really the high water mark of Vampire development that began with Buffy, carried through Twilight and ends here.

The petulance of the dark side. FA was garbage.

Do you get scared that the more Lance Bass is around the more people will start to rethink the whole gay/mental illness connection?

Every nation has a significant stake in the country’s birthrate. While it would be good to provide familial support for child rearing, that does not negate the message. It is great for women to work and build careers and make impact...but it is also important for men to do that and for both to build and rear families.

I would point out that those scriptures dealt with the cultural practices of the time and provided the way to act did not place a value judgment on the practices only how to live within them. But scripture did not stop there but pointed the way to leave those practices behind...which has been done.

Religion played little role, but Jesus played the defining role. Where there is peace there is the Prince of Peace. Where there is famine, objectification, apartheid and segregation...there is Jesus and his people standing up for right.

I think that is where you continue a long worn narrative. Many Christians fought that fight b/c of their belief in Jesus and his love for all people. They knew that race does not stand above love. They fought alongside their secular brothers and sisters to see this change.

I am unsure where what he says becomes controversial in anyway? We have come a long way. We all work with and raise families near people of other races and religions. Most of us who love sports “receive” it from the faces and voices of black men and women in the media. Our favorite teams have black QB’s. Our managers

I am unsure what the outrage is all about. Tampons and Diapers are made by for profit companies and taxed like all other items used by people. I don’t see anyone asking for razors or deodorant be untaxed?

Why? What is your proposal? Send none back? Send some back based on some scale?

I see two scenarios: 1) Clinton in a landslide 2) Very low turnout and Trump wins narrowly.

I know the first film was about this girl’s introduction to ‘Fifty Shades Darker’ about anal?

As a Browns fan, sitting Goff is brilliant and I always wish we had been more patient in the first two years with Couch.

I have to agree with her.

I think this is the funny thing about girls...they walk into a room and know that their boyfriend has been inside all their friends and don’t really care. It’s like the old adage is true, that women don’t care to be your first, just your last.

I think the term “football move” should apply when a player is making a move while catching the ball. Not in this case where he clearly caught it and then tried to move. Silly really.

I never imagined we would get to a point where “gay marriage” was legal...and now it is no surprise that people are once again re-visiting the deplorable polygamous unions that were so long ago destroyed by our great forefathers.

Yes, of course you don’t care, nor do many others...and it comes with a fundamental misunderstanding of marriage. This is only part of the shit show that will come out of “gay marriage” rights. Polygamy is only the tip of the ice berg in a nation that no longer has a proper plumb line. It is sad.

...and here we go.

I loved Pettine and I really like’s just a no win situation.