
I do think it is important to find a solution. Congress should take a broad approach reducing budgets for all types of government run programs to fund this Zika fight. Nothing has to be “defunded” but budget cuts may be in order.

When I see articles about Squirrel Girl I always think of the classic line from ‘Mean Girls’ - “stop trying to make ‘fetch’ happen, it’s not going to happen.”

I do not remember a second verse.

Honestly, I think they should make a small trade for Petty/Hackenberg from the Jets...let their current 2nd string run the team and prepare those guys to go at point X. This season is a wash, prepare for next year and the possibility Bridgewater will never be the same.

Please, Ben has been nothing but a model husband and father. When he was single some girls threw themselves at him and then extorted him. It’d be nice if a man in America w/ celebrity and money wasn’t entrapped by scheming women.

Do they still have Cassel? I hear the Jets have some QB’s!

Do one or two courtesy flushes when you push and it’s all good.

This is a very typical male response...but with the rise of single mothers and the recently discussed medical condition known as “micro-penis” there are a lot of questions in many homes that need to be addressed even if there are no “fixes” available.

He was sulking. His handlers spun this BLM narrative. Guy could care less about making a statement....guy was adopted by two white people and raised by loving whites. Not buying this protest for a minute.

From a certain point of view, Rodney Harrison is very right...because Colin is not only mixed, but he was adopted. His parents are white. So, yes, Colin would have had and probably has a very different perspective on race than Rodney. Their lives are very different.

Parents are failing their children. Boys have no boundaries and girls have no responsibility. We have to do better for their sake. They need mentors, activities and opportunities to practice making “good” choices in scenarios without such high stakes so they can take those tools into more alarming circumstances.

I don’t get it.

Much ado about nothing.

I love Snyder and Nolan.

I would say because they have found ‘Batman.’ Affleck was brilliant in BvS and you can’t let that go. You have to follow that up and he will be excellent in a solo film.

I too like it when a series gets that final season send off where writers get to wrap things up and audiences get closure.

When I watch Derek play I get this desire to turn the clock back and find a stable situation where his brother and Tim Couch could get a chance to have careers based on their talents and not being manhandled due to poor O-line play.

I am unsure why mature adults can’t speak about immigration and this country’s policy thoughtfully. I think the wall is obviously ridiculous. I think limits on numbers of people, limitations on immigration from regions etc...should be on the table. Obviously, we would all love an open immigration policy with little

She is the perfect woman. Beautiful, great breasts, funny, intelligent, hard working and seemingly easy going.

I think he has tons of avenues to criticize this country. There are normal avenues like Letters to the Editor, blogging, protests. There are sanctioned BLM movement opportunities and demonstrations. But, him by himself sitting through the NA is ludicrous and means nothing. It is ignorant.