
He doesn’t care about a cause. He was sulking because he lost his job and his handlers invented the “protest” narrative to save face. No BLM movement leader or members thought of or condoned sitting during the NA and none in his community support this either. It is a travesty.

The Kaepernick issue is simple...he is in a serious relationship with an adherent of Islam and as he immerses himself in their teaching and practices he has begun to detest his circumstances and country. He was sulking while the NA played and stayed seated and his handlers, worried about his future, made up this

That is an ignorant thing to say. Truck driving allows motivated people who like the open road to have freedom, autonomy and build in significant amounts of structure into their lives. It might not be a very high paying job and not as sexy as a lawyer, but not everyone can be a lawyer.

She is a professional adult woman who from the outside has made very mature adult life decisions to build a career, have a family and work on her marriage. I give her a lot of credit. She is a true role model and from the outside it looks like she tried to stand in the gap and support her husband after his moral

Sad, really.

I mean are you talking two guys cheated on her or 10? Are you talking she was cheated on when she was 17 and again when she was 28?

I don’t think it has anything to do with her outclassing him. The question is at what point did lust start to rule his behavior and after being outed twice, to salvage their marriage what safeguards were put in place to protect their marriage and each other? Apparently none if he carried on a 1yr long text

These incidents all seem like cries for help to me. I mean we will never know what practices these two put in place to salvage their marriage or work through this very public display....but if he carried on a yr long texting relationship after getting caught twice for similar things...there weren’t any safeguards put

As God has told us, Sin is the problem and hate, injustice, bigotry and racism are heart issues. One man has set it right, but it is up to all of us to solve the problem individually while sharing the solution with all.

I think you hit the nail on the head and that is why God sent his son Jesus who then uses 12 men to spread the Gospel message which has become the world’s largest belief system with about 31% of the population knowing this truth. It is plan-A...and as all great stories end, it works.

I am not sure how much further one could take the zombie craze. Zombie’s are a horror trope or a plot device to explore themes like trust, alienation, good vs. evil and man’s instincts to survive.

I am sorry, but the Jags are stacked. If Bortles takes any positive leap forward with Robinson, Hurns, Yelden and Lewis on offense this will be a formidable group. Defensively their secondary will be awesome with Gipson and Amukamara. Their LB core is strong and upfront they are young enough to expect mistakes but

I guess how can such a thesis help America avoid a similar fate and guide the current and future immigration policies of this country?

I am just of the mindset that whatever their relationship was, he was obviously very willing to blow it up in what has turned out to be a majorly embarrassing public way. Then to involve his kid, wow.

Obviously the kid showing up in a photo was a huge reason...that took poor decision making to the highest level...but I am going with the reason for this marriage unfurling as 1).

TFA was garbage. Recycled from a New Hope. Just bad. A real shame after convincing the old guard to join the cast. I wish they had relied more on the EU and actually provided us good Solo/Skywalker Jedi untouched by the darkside but at the ready to face it. A real missed opportunity.

I think people, “writers” forget that the point from Anakin turning to A New Hope were the “dark times.” Jedi were killed, in droves, by Vader...or that was the implication. He became the last of his “ancient religion.” Ashoka deserved to die, needed to die and should have...although I thought she did?

I think the Jags have a great foundation and Blake is a pretty good QB. I am not saying they will win a SB soon, but I would boldly say they are 2yrs away from being a playoff regular.

I think it is amazing that Joss Whedon on a show with a very cultish following changed the face of television with a simple episode where the cast “sang” large portions of the dialogue. I am unsure in my lifetime if there was ever a more groundbreaking show then Buffy.
