
NY is so interesting from a diversity standpoint. In so many other areas in the US when you talk of a “mosaic of communities” you are talking about whether or not the neighborhood is predominantly white people who have a country club membership and send their children to charter schools or if they keep track of their

I think, just in the general sense of Hollywood, you can do quite a bit of violent things to men in a show/movie. He can be sexually abused, have his eye shot out, his arm chopped off, his penis cut off, him be beaten, flayed, burned, shown as impotent or as a sexual deviant, eaten by dogs...for women it seems they

The problem is that Sansa was married to Ramsey. The writers had two choices...either we allow her to have consensual sex with Ramsey as his wife...and then what does that say about her? About bad marriages? Or we can choose to make her consent to marriage but not sex with her husband with an, have her

I think what is lost on Ariana Grande is her talent. She has a great voice. I am unsure why her “handlers” can’t just let that show through.

I was very lucky to be a boy when the original Star Wars trilogy was unfolding. I loved the prequels too, from a certain point of view. What Disney is doing now is a shame. They have destroyed the hope I had that one day Star Wars would be reborn. All the missed opportunities and new characters do not connect with me

Syrians also bring Islam. The point being that the divergent principles of Islam “melting” into a country with established Christian principles is problematic and as a mature citizenry, we need to think about that.

Obviously erections can be both temperamental and unreliable over multiple takes and long hours of shooting. Also, unlike the female form, much of a male’s appeal is tied to his “perceived” size/virility which they may not want to jeopardize by having their member captured on film.

This is what it is...he has converted to Islam and is acting out...possibly being radicalized. Rumors have him on watch lists after his engagement to his DJ girlfriend. This is just a shocking stand he’s taking and without any grass roots support or movement to root this in...seems more threatening than a

I know...horrible. Modesty is always the best policy.

I am a little confused here. From what I recall, the Sansa rape scene showed us Bolton turning her around and ripping her dress/bodice...then when copulation began the camera showed Theon’s face as he was forced to watch. I don’t remember this scene being that bad or there being any nudity.

I think “rules” is too harsh. The better way to look at it is that many “principles and practices” while rooted similarly play out differently. So, protecting her “virtue” or raising her to make the best choices to find the best match in marriage as possible is one of many responsibilities a father has.

As a father of daughters I see it differently. Not the equality part, but the part where I recognize that she is indeed a girl who will become a woman. She will have to make very different choices than I did as a boy. Her skill set should be different in many ways and for her to become not only a skilled professional

I think the depiction of Vader is tepid at best. People forget that during this time frame Jedi should be fearing for their lives. They should feel hunted and Vader should be eliminating all trace of the Jedi “religion” to lay the foundation for A New Hope.

Our girls have to be given opportunities, education and choices. They need hope and dreams. But, ultimately there is nothing wrong with becoming a mother and building a family.

I will be honest, if these girls are getting a taste of the responsibilities of motherhood through this program, and are working with a simulator and still choosing motherhood...that is wonderful. That is the point of humanity, to perpetuate ourselves.

I have never been a Dr. Strange fan. I am looking forward to seeing him on the big screen though and Cumberbatch will be perfect in the role. I just don’t know if the character has the star power to interest those outside the comic community.

I think it is wonderful to hear that a movie about black people could have white people involved and it be praised. To me that means that there are hearts who love diversity and accept each other at a deeper level than skin color.

Obviously they fix it by firing the idiot who made the decision, create a timeline wipe and start again correctly. This isn’t real life, its comics. They can do stuff like that.

For me the whole concept of the Teen Titans and Young Justice is that Robin, Batman’s protege, sees a need to break from his mentor’s shadow and use his gifts to lead a team of younger heroes. To miss that, is completely ignorant or arrogant.

I think there are just some characters that are best as supporting ones. Sure, a solo series every few years is great, but ultimately Starfire is just one of those heroes that is best left out of the spotlight.