
Barry Allen will always be The Flash.

I am pretty sure it isn’t the food so much as it’s the effort put into it. Despite what women think, there is nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who provides a meal, her time and shows interest in him. The food isn’t giving him the boner, it is the context which provides him the opportunity for one.

I would just like to point out though that while the comic character Icon was written to be 120 yrs older than Superman...he first appears in comic books in 1993. Superman premiered in 1938. The point being that had the characters introduction dates been reversed, Icon may have become the quintessential comic hero. I

There are many vastly different America’s forging one. I think we are moving in the right direction. I look around and see black coworkers with solid educations contributing next to women and other minorities. I see white men managed by these very diverse people. The world is changing and it seems now more than ever

I think her statement “I am not my beauty” is very profound. I think whether she know it or not she captured a very real biblical truth...that we are not bodies with souls, but we are a soul with a body which we use to interact with this world.

I am pretty confident most Kobe fans would argue that this was adultery not rape and the evidence supports that claim. His wife not only forgave him but after a separation mended all fences with him to the point of them having their third child on the way.

She is a beauty, but not your typical beauty. She is actually the closest thing to ‘girl next door’ Hollywood has. By that I mean we all went to school with a girl that looked like her.

One wouldn’t need a Savior if one was not a hypocrite. One’s particular interpretation of scripture can be flawed, which is why God desires we live in community, read the scriptures, teach the scriptures and do the actions of the scriptures.

This is remarkable and such a wonderful testament to the creative nature and power of God. It also affirms his great love for us as his people that we are on the most perfect planet in the perfect solar system for life!

I would love for the Browns to work a deal for Hackenberg. I think he would be an asset down the road and provide us some flexibility. I believe his arm would do well against those winds off the lake.

While I can see why intuition and experience may say that hiring a newly engaged woman or even a pregnant/new mother may seem like a bad choice for a company that will rely on her to be “present” at work and not missing time/thinking of other things.

Probably ‘Diversity One’ would have been more appropriate.

I think this panel hits the true essence of the Joker. I don’t know if anyone has reached this mark yet in film. Leto was no where close.

Yes, and your children will reap the benefits of growing up in a home paid for by hard work, discipline and consistency. That leg up will put them in a much more enviable financial position when they reach your age. Their children will, if these disciplines are passed on, live a much more privileged life.

While she may lack self-awareness, she is a beneficiary of parents who have probably made some very good decisions in their lives, worked hard and utilized their education, resources and opportunities. That is what we all hope for right...that we are those people and can afford to help give our children a leg up in

I mean has he been tested? 12yrs old and no offspring? Sounds like this is going to end similarly.

This list is depressing, but considering how horrible music has become over the last 16yrs, can’t be shocked by the filmmaking.

A. Douche sounds like a French visionary and I can’t argue with any of his statements.

Ok, gonna say it...what a crappy century! I mean when Mad Max: Fury Road is in the top 20! Umm...Zodiac, Inside Llewyn Davis? Yi Yi: A One and a Two in the top 10! Holy smokes. I mean is Christopher Nolan the only person who can make a good movie these days? Wow. Ok, and someone put Spring Breakers on here...I want to

It may sound silly, but having worked around entrepreneurs, some do have that something that is readily detectable if one is looking. They have a commitment to excellence, hard work and doing things the right way. If Kobe can sniff that out, even if it’s on a hunch...more power to him.