
What the analysis leaves out is that Bryant and Stibel have been working together since 2013 and have a solid working relationship. This isn’t a fly by night venture, they have been preparing and planning for some time.

The title makes one think that a girl going through adolescence has no agency, that they walk through this part of their life “asleep.” This is almost as bad as the “boys will be boys” mantra. We have to do better people.

This is where it gets really interesting...because don’t girls mature faster than men? Wasn’t it the girls that let him into bed with them? Didn’t the girls choose to drink those beers and probably lie close to him...maybe the girls should be in some trouble too! Maybe they took advantage of him.

Yes, and the girls could have drank a few less beers and not allowed him into bed. I mean that is what drinking, hormones and desire do...they cloud things. They were all probably laying around in some state of undress, bodies touching, moving in ways that seemed like desire, and he fingered them...the next day he

I don’t know if it reminds them of them, but I do think there was a lot of “fooling” around back in the day between teens coming of age and the male thought it was their role and the female thought it was their role to venture down this path.

Marvel is doing a great job with these Netflix offerings. I hope it continues.

I think this is great. I loved the Batman 66'...and felt the bar for the Joker, Catwoman, Riddler and Penguin are found here. But, it was camp and ultimately it fall flat in comparison to today’s characterizations.

I am not sure why people can’t treat one another with decency regardless of gender? A workplace should be a safe zone for men and women to pursue their careers, not one another.

What I find so interesting about female virginity is that for a woman, the two most significant men in her life, her father and her husband, want nothing more than to have her move from one household to the other as a virgin. The only people who truly care in a negative way about her virginal status are the men who

Don’t lie down and cry! Teach your sons to respect women and be a gentleman. Teach your daughters not to objectify themselves and take responsibility for their sexuality. Make a difference.

Whoa...I think the justice system is full of black male athletes that get away with bad behavior too. No need to be racist!

Why would you want him removed? His judgement was fair, erring on the side of mercy. I mean these were three youths allowed to drink and then they slept in the same bed together! These were choices they made and what he did, clouded by alcohol, was a move made ‘standard’ in porn. He is modeling behavior. The one girl

These are teens who were drinking and allowed to fall asleep in the same bed! They are interested in sex and this is an old porn ‘standard.’ He is modeling behavior. The one girl didn’t seem too broken up about it. I think the sentence is a fair one and the three can all have a chance at healthy and well adjusted

I have no problem with this.

I think the important thing is for girls to learn 3 things. 1) Purposeful sexuality. This means that they decide what type of sex life they want to have and to always make choices that support that vision 2) Delayed gratification. To hold off on following the whims of desire for good and true relationships 3)

I think Supergirl is great. She does need a few better villains...and it would be nice for her to be given an epic love. I think Jason Todd or a completely new hero.

I think the issue is that most of us don’t come in contact with special interest groups on a regular basis and it is hard to remember all the specialized vocabulary. I think there should just be more grace given in public forums and you know, have a sense of humor.

This isn’t about single-stalled bathrooms. This is about public schools built to accommodate boys and girls. This means that trans-children are using facilities not designed to accommodate them in schools probably unable to afford such upgrades. This is very apparent in the current case regarding the VA trans-boy

I think Ben-Hur is a brilliant story. The original movie was probably one of the top films of all time. The problem here is that kids today have no context. There was very little marketing and lead up to its release. It is a shame b/c it is a story of redemption...the true title; Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ. But, as

It’s really sad. These are demons he can’t fight. Like Strawberry, he needs a savior.