
No, I think you could identify as an Owl, doesn’t mean it’s so. It is unfortunate but athletics world wide has to come up with some rules for global competition...not participation per se....but competition.

Yes, and we have to thank the US Patriarchy and its Christian roots which has fought so long to ensure women are treated equally and have all the freedoms and advantages as men.

I have to applaud Texas here. I am sure most schools have some form of uni-sex bathroom that trans students are allowed to use as they are such a small portion of the general public...but no way a biological boy should be allowed in a bathroom with young girls at public school.

Not sure you can mention Vampire Diaries w/out The Originals when considering this the Ultimate Guide!

I guess for me I associate King Pin w/ Daredevil as I associate Green Goblin to Spider-Man, Joker to Batman and Lex Luthor to Superman...even though he originated as a Spider-Man villain.

I think a young black woman carrying on the mantle of Iron Man is pretty good. I think it “fits.” I don’t think that the launch required a female black writer though...just a really good writer.

I disagree. I would say FTWD is like Bella Hadid. It’s beautiful and different and likeable, but you can’t compare her to Gigi...b/c Gigi was not only the first, but the more attractive Hadid. That doesn’t change the fact that Bella IS and is worthy in her own right.

I have not seen this episode yet, but my view of the Fear the Walking Dead is this...that outside some stolen story lines from is a brilliant spin-off. It has it’s own pacing, colors, story telling techniques and feel. It has a different message too. I love it and am so thankful for it.

This is an interesting take. Today’s basketball game due to the athleticism of America’s best and the dominance of the black athlete in this arena is killing it. Soccer is on the rise and is a favorite sport of many different races and genders. Baseball is a truly world game with whites, blacks, latinos and asians

I think that men confuse their overriding physical desire for sex with their ultimate desire to connect and blame women who want to deeply connect with not taking care of their physical desire for sex. The two genders become embroiled in a cycle of hurt, disappointment and unmet expectations.

As a non-millennial the Olympic coverage is always bad. The sports of choice for prime time aren’t my choices as a viewer. You can’t ever find what you want or get it in a way that is pleasing. The abruptness is annoying and the commercials are overwhelming. I spent my time watching significant baseball games on MLBtv

I think this is just part of the same old battle: God says our most basic sexual needs are met with the opposite sex within Marriage. This is Plan A. Man says, Plan A isn’t sufficient and we know better, so we come up with Plan B and C. This is not surprising that man would want a very submissive partner to meet his

I appreciate the desire to “normalize” HIV in order to prevent bigotry or isolationism from those with the disease. But the goal should always be to prevent contraction and eliminate the disease.

I would argue the exact opposite. To ensure proper competition and fairness we should be much more strict with our definitions for such competitions.

Very condescending tone here. I would say, Let’s hope she has a very real impact and by that helps many men and women in the future.

Pornography is a blight and it has a very negative affect on men and their relationships w/ women. It also has a very real psychological affect on women...there is really no way to justify it. It is so prevalent and easy to get a hold of that there is a generation growing up and incorporating it into their lives that

Ben Hur is one of the best stories in literature and I applaud Lucas for not only knowing the tale, but utilizing it in order to introduce it to those that may not know about it.

We are humans...we love ranking. Beauty, athleticism, talent....that’s what we do.

I think the title did it’s job because the answer is obviously ‘No’ but then you are forced to think....but who is and could Kaia be top 5...

Obviously the son and daughter won the genetic lottery. I agree with your assessment of Cindy. Her daughter is very attractive, but like you said no more so than many other girls we would find in our high schools. But, at 14 I see the potential for her to be gorgeous...and when her breasts come in, could be a game