
Use of head coverings is a practice but traditionally a cultural one. Some Christians still practice this within some sects. However, Christians in general live by grace and in the freedom of Christ. They are held to the law of Love only, no others.

Probably...and we all know how that ends up.

I think it is very difficult to get excited about a movie, even one in the Star Wars Universe, with a female lead, no Jedi to speak of and no white male protagonist. Vader is cool and all, but if you are not telling the story of him hunting down and killing the Jedi...might as well leave this one on the cutting room

White males bad, white males evil...white males stupid. They cowards. Must send white woman and men of many races...but not white man.

That’s weird. I have a feeling this won’t make it.

Mallory Pugh is also the hottest member of the there’s that too.

I think his commitment to excellence, his desire for family and his passion for life make him more apt to be an excellent lover...and it seems desire Talia, Selena and others have for him even after certain sexual escapades seem to bear that out.

I mean are you telling me that over his career with the amount of money he was paid that someone in those organizations didn’t tell him “Hey Prince, you want to have a long career and get to the HOF you probably should hire a chef and lose about 100lbs.” As Doug Glanville said about A-Rod and many in the steroid era

She is gorgeous. I prefer Kylie. Both won the genetic lottery although Kylie needed a little help from modern science. That being said, curves are nice too and it is a shame modeling is dominated by such thin women over more girls where puberty was more visibly active.

I think the mark of a good movie can be summed up with 3 categories: 1) Does the film allow you to escape? 2) Does the film generate discussion afterward? 3) Is the film re-watchable? If it meets those we are good.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but this one has merit. There is no other reason for the vitriol thrown at 3 perfectly good movies. No critic lambasted Iron Man 3 or Thor 2 or tried to sink Ultron with a 28% score on Rotten Tomatoes when fans were giving them solid grades.

I think there are actually (3) characteristics that should accompany all great Bond incarnations: 1) He’s a great spy. This means he’s intelligent, resourceful and adaptable 2) He’s a blunt weapon...which means to me he doesn’t hide per se, but is a thorn in the side of others b/c he makes his presence felt and his

I think the issue is that in America, statistically speaking, most charges of rape are levied by college aged women who had been drinking and the boy involved claims it was consensual. For those of us who are beyond that stage, both male and female, know what happens at that age and project our own experiences onto

My thought is any DC character related shows should be done on CW. They seem to get it. Other stations just don’t do a good job...see Gotham on Fox.

Honestly, if I were to pitch a series to CBS I would go with ‘Unbreakable.’ This Bruce Willis classic directed by M. Night Shyamalan provides a perfect hero for a station like CBS. It allows for fans of traditional comics to be enticed and provides “realistic” stability to capture a regular audience who can suspend

I think this sounds like a flop. 5yrs before Kirk! A female lead, non-white with a female 1st mate? I don’t expect the audiences / fans lining up for that. Maybe if it were set far in the future and they could give credit to Kirk, Picard etc...for opening doors and passing the torch it would make more sense.

To me, this is Alex Rodriguez...the guy who was literally the best Short Stop in baseball history agreeing to play 3rd base so his friend Derek could continue playing....because you see, Derek couldn’t play 3rd.

Can the studio take a hint from Ghostbusters and just skip this...or maybe straight to video?

I think it seems that all these theories and concepts link back to the dispersion of races at the Tower of Babel. It may very well be the case that there were multiple points of incursion into NA. Interesting for sure...

We can never forget that the greatest thing about America isn’t the winning, but the fact that we win together, black, white, hispanic, asian, christian, muslim, atheist, jew, male and female while other countries remain strongly homogeneous and culturally stagnant.