
I think it is typical to put your hand over your heart during both the playing of the National Anthem and the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. I just think, unless otherwise stated, a person not doing so may just not know the custom, forgets or is just possibly in another “zone” as typically it is played before a

I think this is pretty exciting. The death of Brandon Lee turned the original film into a bit of a cult classic but by the time I actually saw it, it was dated. The sequels were blah.

Do you mean Brandon Lee?

Please, Suicide Squad was a good film. Best depiction of Harley Quinn I have ever seen.

Just really sad news. 61 is remarkably young. He will be missed and ESPN will never be the same.

$300 million on a film fans didn’t even show up for and critics tried to create buzz for is “bold”....but an $800 million dollar film fans liked and have defended and debated for months despite overly negative critical reviews is garbage? Explain.

I love Superman. DC is letting me down.

I think DC needs a better leader at the helm. I respect the idea of delving into Superman’s supporting cast, but at least give us the story we wanted, two women with these powers relying on one another to walk through the grief and continue Superman’s legacy. If one dies at the end of the run to justify the

This will go nowhere.

I think the takeaway from MoS, BvS and SS is that storytelling is important and staying the course is too. These movies were all very good and suffer from 1 main flaw, they sacrificed their characters and story for a vision. You have to have a vision and jump-starting a comic Universe is a great one...but you can’t

Is the hijab religious, cultural or both?

I think the greatest freedom people of Islamic faith have in regard to living in America is the freedom to come to know Jesus. When those remove the hijab for the freedom they receive in Christ, I think that will be a true symbol to the world and speak volumes to their former countrymen!

I want to point out that the picture used for this article is completely misleading and in a subtle way actually sends a message of approval. Contextually, instead of showing the true nature of this relationship it captures attractiveness, youth, beauty and normalcy. Completely inappropriate.

And it begins....people please read the’s our only hope.

I liked the cast. I would have recast Ben Grimm. But, if we can start all over, I would recast the whole thing.

See the film. It is worth it. If you sat through the Iron Man / Thor or Hulk movies...Suicide Squad will be a breath of fresh air.

I still have no idea how a QB can win national championships, be drafted into the NFL, win multiple games including a playoff...all without being able to throw. Tebow is amazing. I wish him well, but it is baseball and he is 29.

Female swimmers and gymnasts bodies look so strange...especially swimmers in those suits.

Swimming and Gymnastics are what pay the Olympic bills...that’s what people want to see. All other sports are just add on’s.

I guess the real question real life if you had two alien’s who were the last of their kind, one male, one female...even if related...wouldn’t the right thing for them to do be to mate?