
While I don’t disagree with any of the critiques and ideas, the truth is the movie didn’t do any of that. So, changing it might have made it better/different but ultimately it didn’t need all that. It stands on its own. It was excellent. Big win for DC.

All they have to do is really nail JLA. If they bring it all together, which shouldn’t be hard, maintain the dark tone but lighten up a bit...and develop their characters in scenes that matter...all will be set right.

No way! DC has done a great job. BvS and SS have done their job and we are in for one heck of a ride.

DC is in a great spot. They have successfully released (3) movies fans have enjoyed. They have some of the best actors in the business and some of the most powerful source material. Marvel is great, but DC is really where the stories are.

Data doesn’t lie. Women in general love the Olympic stories far more than the outcome. Men are concerned about the winner/loser. This does not mean women aren’t concerned about the result or that men don’t like the narrative...but there is a gender related difference uncovered by the survey. Not a big deal people.

Probably what Favre should have said.

What is so crazy is that these got lost their 53rd game and are still more than likely playoff bound.

Honestly, my only criticisms was the length...could have been about 25min longer. It would have been nice to flush out the Flagg/June relationship. Delve more into pre-Harley and the Joker...and thrown in a little more Batman. (I would have loved a thoughtful scene on just Amanda Waller). That being said, loved it.

Suicide Squad was great. A real fun film with action, adventure, heart and great characters. A big win for DC.

The root of Bonds’ fall I think is that McGwire as a power hitter was getting so much “love” that Bonds refused to accept that. He didn’t understand the paradigm shift...he grew up wanting to master the game which he did, but the fans didn’t respond...he wanted the adulation. ARod wanted to be loved, but mostly wanted

I don’t think any of us will ever see a baseball player better than Alex. As good as Harper, Trout, Stanton or fill in the blank are...they are 7's. Alex was a 10. He was the perfect baseball player. He had all the tools.

I think it is easy to beat up cheaters like Palmiero, Canseco, McGwire, Sosa...guys you watched that had holes in their games but we can see found PED support. They were the 6's wanting to be 7's and 8's.

I don’t know if I have ever seen a better baseball player.

Test her, immediately.

Could these incidents just be cultural misunderstandings? I mean these are olympic athletes? Both now can’t compete....sound like something a person who spent 4yrs preparing for with grueling trainings would do?

Slow down...let’s put a bronze medal for trap shooting in the Olympics in perspective here. She isn’t competing professionally in the most demanding sport in the greatest country in the world here.

I am not sure there is a higher compliment for a woman swimmer than that “she swims like a man.” I mean you always compare upward.

It’s his job. Trust me, if the suspended Tom Brady, the GOAT and winner of 4 SB’s is in camp instead of watching his super model wife in the opening Bears lineman is getting out of camp to watch his wife trap shoot.

It’s his job. It is what he does for a living. If it wasn’t significant I am sure Tom Brady would have been there to support and dance with his wife...but he wasn’t.

I do not think a shirt reading “Team Unrein” is any more offensive or wrong than this headline referencing her as simply Corey Cogdell.