
I think we need to give some credit to his coach.

I think it’s great. Ichiro has been a wonderful representative of MLB since he arrived. I am very happy for him.

She was not a record breaking olympic athlete. She was an athlete competing on the olympic stage and losing.

People keep mentioning Phelps...but all he does is smash records. His coach is his coach. The example isn’t a good one. When people talk of Steph Curry, a lot of the credit has gone to trainers / coaches who helped him overcome ankle and hip issues....b/c w/out them he would have a much different story. Like Curry,

I think the biggest difference is that Phelps has always smashed records. She was a complete failure in much so she was broken and unsure of herself. Her coach lifted her up and pushed her on. That is her isn’t Phelps’.

She was the focus. Never did I once forget during the broadcast that it was her that was achieving this success...but her story isn’t complete unless it is known that in 2012 she was a broken failure and her husband lifted her up, pushed her on and gave her the support she needed to take all her talent and unleash it.

I thought this movie was great. A far more entertaining film than I had expected. The only critiques I would give it are:

I think it is funny, but this situation proves the point that women don’t achieve things in a vacuum, they just think they do. Name a sport, Olympic or otherwise, where the greatest male athletes don’t share some spotlight with a legendary coach? Please.

He was a great baseball player. Probably the 2nd greatest of all-time.

I think Cogdell-Unrein is just a case where a Chicago paper was trying to connect to their audience. Hosszu obviously won on her own merit but her husband was her coach and trainer and I have never seen an athletes coach / trainer denied some nod to their hard work...even the USA Men’s Basketball team...articles are

As an athlete she was broken and had failed to win races in 2012. She chose a different path, her husband became her coach, he built her back up and guided her back to a place where she could win Gold...and she did. This is a great story of an athlete and her coach. A man and woman using their talents to do something

Look, she isn’t Kobe Bryant. She isn’t going to run her husband off to prove to the public that she had it in her all along. She was a great swimmer before him, she is a Gold Medalist with him. They obviously work well together and as a pair, she has gone on to achieve her ultimate dream. There is nothing wrong with

No, not at all. This is a story about a woman who was an excellent swimmer but became a champion with the help of her coach, her husband, who she credits with her turnaround.

They didn’t give him credit...but they gave him the credit he deserved. Her story is intertwined with his...and as all great marriages show, two are greater than one. As everyone in sports know, talent and skill get you far...a great coach gets you wins.

I really have to ask, what do people want? I mean this is a movie where the protagonists are villains. It presents in 3 parts, the intro-opening, the team building mission and then the epic battle. These scenes are coupled with great music, smart acting and character development. In the end, the bad guys as good guys

You’re crazy. It was excellent.

I would say my lifetime there have been 4 Jokers, Romero, Nicholson, Ledger and Leto. I would rank them in that order. That is not to disparage Leto...he did a fine job....I just think he didn’t take the role beyond his predecessors.

I am just blown away at the anti-DC bias. I am not sure where it’s coming from...but we have to assume Disney / Marvel are using all their resources, money and power to leverage these criticisms. It is the only explanation I have for the way Batman vs. Superman and Suicide Squad have been attacked. I can’t even

I prefer Joker portrayed with a little more nuance and less “gangster” flair. I appreciate what Leto tried to do, but think the performance fell flat. I think they should have thought a little more before casting him.

I have a headache from reading all those words....ultimately Suicide Squad was a great, re-watchable film with plenty of action and makes you root for really bad people who are trying to find the path to redemption.