
BvS was a very good film with holes but its length and weighty subject matter made it difficult for fans to go back to the theatre for a second viewing. Suicide Squad doesn’t have that issue and its lighter tone makes it readily re-watchable.

I only have 3 criticisms of Suicide Squad:

It amazes me the unwarranted criticism DC films get. I mean SS was really good. It is inherently re-watchable. The music is great, action top notch, the storyline strong, and the chemistry b/n the characters sharp. I don’t know what people are expecting, but if you don’t like this movie your expectations are way off.

YA is dead. Twilight stumbled, Hunger Games flamed out, Maze Runner bombed, Divergent fell apart...Percy Jackson lost it. I mean, come on. Time to walk away.

I could never appreciate their relationship b/c he was too short for her.

Can you keep him from boxing in the Olympics over an incident that hasn’t been investigated? Couldn’t this be a cultural thing? Maybe these two women were just offended? Seems shady to me.

I think this is subtle, but what he is getting at is that the difficulty of tackling this topic with the child isn’t the homosexuality part per se, but the rightness/wrongness of it.

I work the same schedule you do...and agree with your assessment on those that stay late.

Britney is DC Comics. She is an icon looking to reboot and redefine herself and the industry. Sometimes the process is painful....

It’s great.

You are an idiot. BvS was great.

Let’s look at the record:

Suicide Squad was great! A big win for DC.

Suicide Squad was great! A big win for DC.

Suicide Squad is a good movie. I almost think it’s just a “thing” now to bash DC/Warner Bros. movies. MoS, BvS and SS are three movies I would much rather watch again and again over: Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Age of Ultron, Ant-Man....and any X-Men movie outside the first and First Class....and throw in the

I can honestly say after seeing Suicide Squad last night that there must an industry vendetta against DC. SS was a win! A great movie and in no way a mess. Sure, there were issues, what movies don’t...but to read the criticisms you would think we were watching ‘Nurse Betty’ or ‘Fantastic Four’.

Honestly, some people just age worse than others. I think if you stay out of the sun, drink water and eat olives/berries/ are doing all you can and need to. You can’t conquer genetics only keep them at bay.

I believe in the principles of equality in general and support equal rights and opportunities for women in public and private life. I am a complementarian at home. Our young girls should be empowered both professionally and domestically to perform the duties of everyday lift.

Seems like an ‘over dramatization’ to me. As a famous cartoon queen who many argue is a lesbian said, ‘let it go.’

I really wish someone had told Bob, “look the show must go on but w/out pink eye.” That was horrible. Ruined the whole broadcast and is a comical “pink eye” on his career.