
Despite all the evils in this world, nothing can stop good.

The more popular soccer becomes in the United States the closer we become to watching our beloved Yankees, Cowboys or Lakers being referred to by the next generation as Fly Emirates, CitiBank or Coke.

Men are outraged b/c they are apparently the only ones trying to protect their little girls. I mean Gavin is a biological female. Her using a boys bathroom at school is trouble.

So, ultimately people are overlooking two key facts...1) is that Gavin is the only transgender in the district and 2) the school he attends made arrangements for him to utilize unisex facilities within the school. I think that is great.

Ultimately b/c I find this song catchy but without the history of the musical style pretty much would listen to it thinking WTF?

Also, not a big fan of the article title. ‘Dummies’ seems awfully antagonistic. I mean who’s really to blame, the girl bastardizing English or the native English speakers she’s singing too?

I think this is a great explanation. In written form I can see where this might be a language. As a white male I would also say that as a language, to the untrained ear, it sounds like nonsense. In a good way, I mean it’s catchy but no doubt it could devolve into a pretty good game of “What I am hearing.” Adele speaks

So, this is what we know about A-Rod:

Yes, agreed. When taking criticism into account one must know up front what to accept as “valid” and what actionable process to take where valid criticism occurs.

I think we all heard about the reshoots and many of us were very concerned that such workings would create a poor final cut. The question is who are invited to these screenings and who implements plans to take actions related to the critiques?

I think it is a very large public works project for the taxpayers to be strapped with. Let them have a stadium that is modern and paid for. MLB can always provide another team...take them.

This election is going to be such a landslide...I fear the future.

“Ain’t that America, something to see, baby”

I am pretty sure everyone in the world knows who the Justice League are. SS can’t be compared to the Avengers b/c they are anti-heroes.

We don’t know if it worked or not, we just know that for a few critics it didn’t. But, I don’t think we can take their word for it considering how they botched BvS. Sure, there could be holes in SS...there were holes in Ultron, Ant-Man, Thor 2, etc...

I take these criticisms very lightly. I think there is a huge Disney / Marvel conspiracy going started with BvS which was a very good film and now it seemingly is hitting SS. Luckily I will see it for myself tomorrow and get to make up my mind before the weekend blitz.

Part of the issue can be traced back to women gaining education and career opportunities their predecessors didn’t have. White women in particular in some studies have been categorized in terms of child bearing as statistically “infertile” due to the decrease in number of children they are having. So, ultimately,

I agree on Family Circus...too low. Also, as a boy I remember running to the comics in the paper for Spider-Man...does that not count?

I am sure Jonas has fans in Japan, but seems like this is the death knell for his career...isn’t that the old music industry joke, “my album was a hit in Japan.”

I love Bayless. Guy is money. He is entertaining, tells some truth and says things that people say.