
I think his answer is pretty clear if you wade through it...his company has many female employees...they are very creative and talented...when they have the requisite experience to lead they are provided those opportunities...many choose to stay “work” focused over taking the leadership track. This seems like much ado

I did not interpret anything from his comments that denied there are women in his company that took a leadership track when the opportunity is there...but that many, prefer doing the work and have other professional goals.

This is nothing. I see no issue with his statements and am very disappointed action was taken against him at all.

To maturely handle sexual harassment in the workplace:

Yeah, endnotes on the Bible would break the internet if done properly.

I came away feeling like Christine was a woman who wanted “control.” I found her mother’s statement to her father “don’t be so naive” very telling. It was a need that was clearly just part of who she was. This was why she extorted her boss, left her “john” and in the end left us with the indelible image of her

I think tolerance if a far different thing than accepting license and harmful ideologies.

I would simply say that what one views as “indoctrination” another views as teaching. The difference b/n teaching Christian virtue and Satanic ones is that the former is verifiably true and seeks to impart the best for man while the other is rooted in lies and means the soul harm.

I can not believe that there are parents that can’t really understand the difference in sending a child to a Christian after school program and one based in teachings of Satan. I am sorry, I just don’t get it.

Ummm...yeah, instant bust. Come on, who would green light such a thing?

I think it is perspective. What you have mentioned are not morally reprehensible view points but differences of opinion based on religious, political and cultural backgrounds which in terms of Facebook should be easily worked around among “friends.” In their minds:

I think the actual term is “smart as a whip” and it refers to intelligence and quick wit. There is nothing particularly gendered or racist about it...although possibly it is a phrase more commonly used by white people?

I think men and women have to be much more careful with regard to sexual encounters. Lives are ruined when people move beyond rational thought to desire and lust. The price for both genders is just too high not to consider your boundaries before hand.

This will be great. Bayless is money. Smith was a ranter...Bayless at least walks through his “logic” and can defend his takes. He is also collected on air and argues with some sense. Can’t wait.

Safe spaces for men/women only are significant. I think there also needs to be some form of professional / in-house movement that gets professionals responding immediately to addicts recovery needs long before a “center” has room.

A lot of manual labor by “men” to ensure “girls” could play their soccer game. I think nobody wanted this to go into the next day...seems like getting this one off the books was the important thing...mission completed.

I am not a fan of the “short arm” look. Godzilla isn’t a T-Rex. He is a fictional character who aesthetically looks ridiculous with tiny arms.

Loved 1991 but 2014 is my high water mark. Loved that look.

I think for all of us facing the consequences of our wrong doing we would long for mercy over justice. I think it seems unfair to say Persky is providing racial or gender based sentencing opposed to sentencing based on his view of justice/mercy and the role of the criminal justice system in a person’s life.

I think the takeaway is that even the President’s daughter is a sexual being with a desire to show off her body to attract a male suitor. I think we can laud those with modesty, but the natural inclinations are so strong.