
I thought Reese, Root and Shaw were the foundation for POI. Had Reese had one of them as a love would have been a perfect show.

I wouldn’t deny Sarah Shahi anything...ever.

Amy Acker is remarkable, but not even she and Sarah Shahi could save POI. It had moments....but not enough of them.

I may agree on the Stick part, but Season 2 was saved by Elektra. She was awesome.

Soccer is a great sport for kids and girls and foreign men. The constant movement is great for physical fitness. However, in America men play football, baseball, basketball or hockey. It is what it is.

Although I believe Max Kellerman is right, Brady hasn’t declined yet. He is the greatest QB to ever play the game and nobody in their right mind would not start him. The Drew Bledsoe situation is a red-herring b/c if Drew Bledsoe had been Tom Brady he never would have lost his job.

I think studies have shown that men prefer male leaders and the majority of women prefer male leaders. Sometimes though the best leader for the job is a woman. It allows us all to recalibrate. It is tough when we are talking about the Presidency...but it will be fine.

I think Superman’s bundle of powers are the best. But, in everyday life, I think one of the best powers to have would be Mr. Fantastic’s. You wouldn’t always have to “get up” to grab the remote across the room, you could grab your kids football off the roof w/out a ladder, you could have some real advantages in bed.

As I mentioned earlier, immortality would drive you insane. Maybe not through your first or second lifetime, but by lifetime four or five. No, a life like Superman’s where he ages far slower and can live for or five lifetimes but still knows there is an end in sight would be a far better gift.

I think Superman’s abilities that give him “longer” life over immortality would be better. I think as humans, after a few lifetimes the idea that you couldn’t die would drive you insane. At least for Superman, if he lives, three, four, five lifetimes at least he knows that one day he can pass on to eternity.

Yes, I mean you can mock me but that doesn’t mean I need to stop trying to be honest, carry on a mature discussion and answer your questions.

I think you would have to be very careful asking for powers that “enhance” your senses / emotions. I mean you would have a real issue in daily life with smells, sounds or tastes not to mention dealing with love, anger, fear...

As a male, I have worked with plenty of women who thoughtfully wore appropriate business attire to avoid such situations. I have been in situations though where a woman would wear a summer dress w/ a sweater or some other top with either a button left open or a plunged neck line and one can see the beautiful curved

Yes, I will keep telling myself truths and maintain a realistic view of the topic. Obviously, with your unicorn example you have gone off the rails. It happens when you are finally faced with the light.

So you don’t think it celebrates the strength, courage and honor of the Native American Indian warrior?

I mean what is more awe inspiring or fear inducing the a native american warrior depiction? How is that anymore inappropriate than had it been a white cowboy with guns blazing? Can’t we celebrate our history? I mean ultimately nobody associates with something they think negatively about...and that is what a mascot is.

Iron Man was a solid film used to start a movie universe for Marvel. They had no where to begin but there. DC had already created three of the greatest superhero movies of all time and had just launched the 2nd major Batman reboot, which went on to include 3 brilliant films most would rate significantly better than

I liked BvS very much. I would not use the word “enjoy” for either MoS or BvS but I don’t think that is necessary. Those films set out to tell a story...and at times that story was dark and fraught with hopelessness...but that is life sometimes. The awesome thing about making adult movies is that you don’t have to

BvS didn’t suck. That is just the narrative that has been sold the public by a bought off sub-set of critics. BvS was actually a remarkable story that asked the question “what about the others?” What about those lives changed by the events of MoS? What about those who feared Superman? What about a hero who lost

No that isn’t really historically true. Outside extra-biblical references for which there are of the truly remarkable aspects of biblical transmission through the generations is just how “accurate” it has been. Scholars continually find scrolls etc, that systematically confirm today’s writings.