
I like Kristen. I hope she meets a wonderful man one day, falls in love and becomes happy. I think Robert and Rupert spun her head a bit...but she is maturing and I think there is a man out there for her.

When golfers are backing know it’s going to be a s!@# show.

I think men who are pro-choice are not woke but asleep. They are closing their eyes instead of standing in the gap to not only hold men accountable for their actions but protect the unborn. This is not what a man is.

Accepting people not working is a democrat ideology...republicans say that everyone can contribute. Structural racism exists today b/c democratic policies have made it easier to collect a check then go to work, to build single parent homes over nuclear families and allow for children to get by with little to know

The proof that Jesus existed is voluminous. If you don’t find the Gospels compelling you could see the letter from Serapion, works of Josephus, the Talmud, works of Tacitus...Ignatius and Polycarp...No credible historian rejects that Jesus existed or that he was indeed crucified.

I think Matt and Ben are right, this project has given some a real chance. Sure, the credits may not be that noteworthy, but 4 guys getting a chance in the industry is better than them working at Starbucks.

Yes, but it is a poor one. I am not sure what someone “told” you but the person of God and his existence is so compelling it can’t be denied. That a God would know and love you so much that he would provide you a lifetime to come to know him, send his son to die for you and call you his child for eternity is truly

I think we often forget how significant women are b/c of the work they do behind the scenes. But I also think we don’t hold men accountable enough for the invisible work they do/should be doing behind the scenes either. Both must work together to champion families, build strong communities and raise the next

The greatest physical proof of all...Jesus was not in the tomb! There is no other reason for real 1st Century believers to martyr themselves in horrific way other than the veracity of that claim. Nobody can disprove it and it has been faithfully documented and passed down in multiple letters and books found in the

...or they are legalized evil. There is a huge difference.

I don’t know how you came to that conclusion. Silly really.

This is a sour note in American history for sure. It is hard to celebrate Clinton when the public has seen her dark side and the taste of corruption and entitlement are heavy on the air. It is a shame that the first woman nominee won b/c her Dem rival was so liberal and anti-american that only the young supported him.

Abrams just never understood the point of the Star Wars movies. Return of the Jedi was the culmination of a redemption story, not a tragedy. Luke turning from the dark side and Han and Leia falling in love was good winning over evil...and that good would have fostered a future of children and Jedi who understood the

What type of proof are you looking for? Historical, Experiential, Metaphorical, Prophetical? You can find such proof in scripture, the writings of historical people, art and the created world around us, or in those foretold events that have come to pass and in the hope of what will come.

I don’t know...I think you can look to Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats for putting America into this position. They can’t get a pass. Racial division is here b/c in these “pockets” the promises of the Democrats have met with the financial reality of the country...and we can no longer accept Americans content with

Nothing and everything. God’s existence and his order aren’t contingent on whether your friend believes it or not. The Marriage relationship is a picture of Christ and His Bride...she may not believe it, but by living it out she enters into a great and grace-filled spiritual truth.

Not much to say about this other than completely inappropriate. I am all for having a competitive spirit, but this is too much. Guys, take a breath.

I think this is a great moment for all. Women and minorities are key contributors to this nation and should have a role in providing the vision for this country in leadership roles.

Why should he be phased? He had no part in the woman’s abuse. He dealt with his demons. He and Monique have been married since 1997 and they have reconciled the why are we holding it against him?

The men you mentioned are very gifted but flawed people. Human interaction and sexuality are complicated. I don’t excuse them for bad behavior but I won’t condemn them either as all of them have lived good lives as responsible citizens, men and husbands/fathers.