
On one hand in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's they were a very relevant franchise. On the other, almost 20yrs of mediocrity is sad.

Obviously it is very important for women to be intelligent and hard working. Those are important traits for children to see in their mother and they go hand in hand with the tools required to raise the next generation of responsible citizens/adults.

I am not sure how you can let your party off the hook after 8yrs of political failure and escalating violence and racial division. I am not saying the Republican party doesn’t have faults and possibly this guy was being honest...but it seems the Dems have quite a few skeletons in their closet as well.

God has placed eternity in our hearts and is preparing heaven as our we will live forever and by grace it will be there.

Jacob had two wives b/c of a cultural tradition and his father in law tricked him. Jesus had no wife because his bride is the church which he will come back for. Marriage on a certain level is a metaphor for the love Christ has for the Church.

On a spiritual level, our goal of being disease, injury and disability free may miss the point of the Creator’s purpose in an individual’s life. Sure, I think we can all support scientific breakthroughs that help us battle those things and provide a better life...but ultimately whether you live 100yrs or 10yrs, the

I just don’t understand. Star Wars became a national treasure for one reason...Jedi. If you aren’t going to tell a really good story about Jedi, what is the point? This is why FA was such a disappointment. They had the opportunity to introduce a whole new set of Jedi including Solo / Skywalker children that we could

I have very mixed feelings. First, the casting was horrible. You can’t cast a dude whose 5'8 to play a character towering in film at 6'1. Second, what kind of stories can you tell? What type of foolishness will be introduced that as FA destroyed the foundations of Jedi might destroy the foundations of New Hope? Bad

Dion, you are very much missed...Cavs fans.

Fabiana obviously married for money and the kidnappers just want their share too.

Baseball is business and the business is winning and losing. To play baseball on a daily basis and to continually build, connect with and support your fan base utilizing throw back jersey’s to remember history has become the mode of choice.

I think Tom Jackson was a true professional who will sorely be missed. I have no problem with Trent Dilfer and think he does a fine job.

This sounds like a case where policy “breast pumping allowed” is colliding with reality “NYPD, limited staff, overrun with work.” I find it hard to believe there isn’t empathy for her and I question whether or not this is the full story. Could she be taking advantage of the situation? I have never worked in a

I am not saying they do or don’t....I am saying that is the “good” the virtuous way. And yes, experientially I have seen young girls raising babies with tons of help from parents, family and the community at large through programs, donations may indeed be hard, but there is always provision.

Probably a lot like the recent Democratic emails...old Republicans didn’t like blacks and new Democrats have no respect for Latinos. There are always a few bad apples, no?

No, the Bible “records” marriages of many types that were culturally present...the Bible condones only one type...modeled after the first (Adam / Eve) which represents the last (Christ and His Church).

What one learns at home becomes actionable in public. The purpose of our stories is to help those avoid our mistakes and if legislation can help the next generation in that regard, so be it.

You can justify abortion with mental gymnastics all you want, aborting the unborn by choice is murder. Marriage is one thing...the joining of a man and woman...any practice outside that is a deviation and not good. What punishes poor people are the democratic policies that keep them from reaching their potential,

Also, can the Browns just accept they made a huge mistake w/ the uniform change and go back?

I don’t think the Browns have ever had such a dynamic player on their roster since Jim Brown. Unfortunately, Gordon’s demons are too strong. I don’t ever see him contributing to the team in a meaningful way and it breaks my heart. I just loved this guy.