
Just really sad.

I want to say this. I have loved baseball since I was a boy. The greatest players I have ever seen are Bonds, A-Rod and Griffey Jr. The first was an ass...the second a narcissist...the third a tragic tale of injury. Baseball is a cruel sport, the best don’t always have the hardware to prove it and each generation has

I think the interpretation make sense in the context of her being a woman.

I don’t think you have to trust the team. Wonder Woman is going to break every box office record in history. A movie made for the girl power generation with a woman no man can resist as a character who is mythic and the perfect help meet for Superman. This is Marvel’s worst nightmare...

I think we all can’t wait for a young muslim girl with the power to make her hand abnormally large on the big screen.

I think the joke isn’t working because for many Captain Marvel isn’t female or Kree but a hero referred to as Shazam. It’s a generational thing.

I would say that Marvel using their influence to sink BvS was signficant because their biggest fear will come true when this movie box office domination. You see, they knew after the Ultron disaster their only hope was Civil War..which was their pinnacle movie after a slew of individual films paved

The game is just the deliverable that entices the consumer to trade their data for an entertainment experience. That data can be used as innocuously as sending targeted adds based on an individuals information to as incendiary as profiling them for government control. The data is in itself pretty neutral, it’s whose

Whoa, whoa! WTF! Keith in the red lion and not the team leader? Not white either? Lance in the blue? Sven is the black lion and leader? Ok, no...this isn’t right.

Obviously, from a marketing standpoint, her impact would be higher, thus more valuable to a company if her endorsements are more limited.

Is the red head trans?

I believe in their message. I think raising awareness is important. I think this is why the “fine” system is in place. The NBA/WNBA isn’t stopping these women from wearing these shirts and speaking their mind, they are just saying that unfortunately there is a cost. The Leagues eat the cost by possible lost revenue or

I think that is the point. The Judiciary is providing a decision that clearly is aimed at legislators with the intent of “encouraging” them to fix this for the future quickly by making a law! That is how the criminal justice system works. Sure, this girl is stuck, and this guy won’t be punished...but now legislators

The first film was very good. The kiss of death was the hair cut. From that point in the film forward, nobody cared what was going on b/c it was so upsetting to see such a beautiful girl looking like a boy.

I think we need to hear more from the Libertarians. This may be their time.

Three things should be done for the next season. Holly should be killed off, Ghost and Tommy should begin a feud and Angela should get an escalation of nude scenes....

I am going to say this....this particular franchise died when the person in charge allowed Shailene Woodley appear onscreen with short hair. It was the death knell. All her glorious sexuality and appeal disappeared and not even Theo James could save the series at that point. Shame really, the first film was very well

Lela Loren isn’t the only reason to watch this show, it is actually pretty good, but just seeing her onscreen is worth the investment of time.

I would argue it really depends on the type of roles a child actor finds themselves in. Child actors thrust into the spotlight will have a hard time breaking through as adults due to typecasting etc...child actors with bit parts who have trending careers can more easily “make it” as an adult star b/c they are not

I was thinking non-related was saying they are not family but probably friends or acquaintances while unrelated is trying to capture the idea of 3 people that met each other through Craig’s list or whatever and are sharing space.