
I’m sorry, Abrams and Kennedy destroyed the Star Wars Universe. I still can’t believe that they made FA. What a disgrace. You might as well just throw RotJ into the trash...they made it meaningless.

Or it could be that as was explained in A New Hope that Vader was indeed the last of his ancient religion. All others were exterminated or went into hiding and rarely used the force. By the time Luke meets Han people could honestly say ‘I ain’t n’er seen anything that makes me believe that there’s one all-powerful

I think it is quite clear that when she said she “wrote” it, like many celebrities today, it meant she gave some general thoughts and ideas to a “writer” who penned it.

There is a big difference b/n “patriarchy” and evil. Honor killings are a cultural tradition that has perpetuated itself not through patriarchy but through conformity to an inherently evil practice.

Sounds like avoidance and blame-shifting to me. So, you can’t objectively look at the Democratic party and recognize its faults? Wow. Sad.

She speaks multiple languages, had a successful modeling career and is now a fashion / jewelry designer. She rejected her father’s communism and built a life for herself which included being accepted to and completing some university level courses. Sounds like a pretty intelligent person to me.

My view is that she is an intelligent woman thrust into the political sphere and was probably guided by a saboteur into this mess. The disavowal is harsh and is more of an indictment on the campaign than her.

I guess a good question would be...if we assume Jesus would come down on Republicans for their overzealous love of guns and their purported hatred of gays...what would he hold against the Democrats? If we are being honest, what do you think?

As a Giants fan, I would agree. As someone who has followed sports his whole life, windows close...get Kershaw ready by got can be done.

Lynda Carter was perfect. If we could put her in modern clothing at her peak, she would be amazing. Gal Gadot is beautiful, but you can’t help but look at her in costume and wish her breasts were bigger.

I wish the voices we were hearing from Republicans really reflected the views of conservatives. The voices that want fiscal responsibility and have a plan to achieve it. The voices that want their women to be goal oriented, healthy and independent but are honored for their sacrifices for family, their fight to save

I appreciate these women. I also think we can have a better immigration policy on the books that for now limits or better defines the numbers of people we allow in from certain regions/backgrounds.

I am saddened to hear about the plagiarism.

Either way, that this dude is a hero to that girl and to all men everywhere who aren’t gay.

Do people realize that they just cast a guy whose 5'8" to play an iconic character who was immortalized by a dude who’s 6'1"! I mean is this about his life when he was a teenager?

I don’t know but the song sucks so does it matter?

I disagree. Misogyny, fundamentalism, atheism, hate...they are all just symptoms. SIN is the issue. There is only one solution to that problem.

I just hope the RNC can go off without a hitch. Quite a bit of violence has happened at different cities where overzealous liberals have caused issues.

I think the Court of Owls...later becoming the one of the most interesting and significant additions to the Batman mythos I have seen. I hate Gotham...but I do like the idea of stories involving the Court.

Ughh...I think I just have to enjoy Star Wars for what it was....cause what is becoming sucks!