
Thank you Remigio....but let’s not forget to spend a little more time these days standing up for our black brothers and sisters!

I can understand why some think what he did was insensitive and possibly racist...although racist is a bit extreme here...but tell me what is untrue about this statement, “all lives matter to the great.” Assuming the great is to mean the creator God.

“For as i walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar wtih this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship-and this is what I am going to proclaim to you. ‘The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and

But related how? It is a deviance. That is the whole point.

Duncan was consistently great and he should be lauded. Over his career he scored 7,000+ pts less than Kobe. 6pts less a game on average. He was not better than Kobe.

I am not sure how anyone can come to the conclusion that Duncan was a superior basketball player? He had (1) money shot, rebounded and passed. He was always surrounded by the highest caliber of NBA talent and coaches. Kobe individually mastered every offensive skill in the game and was a constant defensive all-star at

Kobe wanted to be the greatest player of all-time and refused to allow anyone or anything stand in his way. Duncan just wanted to compete. The winning was a result of his efforts coupled with the numerous HOFers he played with.

Snyder chose to create a universe where power is destructive, the others pov is significant and people ask real life/mature questions about the role of heroes/vigilantes in society. He also chose to tackle religious and political themes and that of redemption.

I think it is important to support DC/Warner in their vision because if Disney wins, we will all get stuck with goofey kid crap like Avengers, Ultron and Force Awakens.

I think you are going to have a hard time making a movie with a woman as beautiful as Gal Gadot in it and stop men from flocking to the theater to see her. This movie is going to break all kinds of records regardless of the writer/director and Marvel is shitting a brick over well as their fanboys.

I don’t understand why people can’t disagree civilly anymore? Why can’t “I be me and you be you” and in so doing not make everyone so upset if me being me is different from you being you? Where is the tolerance?

I think it is hard to be upset when what he said was very true, “all lives matter to the great.” I can understand why many are sensitive about this..1) He is taking liberty w/ a NATIONAL ANTHEM and 2) He is treading on sensitive racial ground with the actual meaning of Black Lives Matter.

This Olympics just isn’t gaining any traction. I have never cared less about an Olympics before. Is this true for others? Has the event run its course?

If we learned anything from OJ:Made in America Part 5 it’s that Kim was actually a successful business woman at a moderate level prior to the sex-tape. She was beautiful, smart, funny and had a strong sense of fashion. The sex-tape just thrust her into the public consciousness...and the Kardashians were born.

Again, what two married people do behind closed doors is good and right. Your example would qualify. I am talking about pornography.

Maybe, but I am specifically pointing out sexuality. The truth shouldn’t be lost in the similarities.

I think I miss Jacen, Jaina and Anakin....and I wish that the Skywalker/Solo line had developed into the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy and used that power for good, adventuring and making the galaxy the place Anakin and Padme had dreamed about before the manipulations of Palpatine and the lure of the darkside.

I have never heard anyone say they are put of by the term ‘Latino’ or that “people” are put off by having male be the dominant gender when addressing mixed groups. If by people you mean ‘feminists’ then I can believe it, but what a ridiculous thing to change.

Pornography isn’t sex. It is the voyeuristic objectification of another/others for your personal enjoyment without the personal input of oneself.

The mature issue that shouldn’t get lost in the rhetoric on both sides is that pornography affects us all in negative ways we can’t even recognize. For children it warps true sexuality, for singles it creates expectations, fears and fuels our licentious culture in negative ways and for married couples is erodes