
The comic book retail business model is very frustrating for the casual fan and occasional collector. Especially when a reboot or exciting run hits. Getting your hands on books w/out a subscription or intimate knowledge of the shipping and release schedule of the books makes it frustrating.

I am sorry that many of you did not like the Snyder movies for DC. I have had my issues w/ them too...but overall they have delivered. I am glad he is providing some continuity w/ the WW movie and think it will be a huge blockbuster.

This just runs so deep with men who failed to stand up for the kids they were put in trust of.

Your’re crazy. Can’t wait!

I don’t know. Much like when some native Americans see the Redskin name and shudder, many see the name Penn State and think of the cult of personality and the unspeakable crimes against young boys. Some will not be able to separate that out.

I will go w/ 3.

Maybe for a time in these affected cities white cops should be asked to “stand down” for a time on calls including blacks. Maybe black police officers can engage their communities and build up some lasting respect and peace?

All I can say about Penn State is Death Penalty.

Death Penalty.

Respect. It all boils down to respect. Respect the personhood of the offender. Respect the badge. Respect the power one is granted. Respect lives. Respect each other.

What ever happened to the brave, determined and honorable Prince?

I remember this very well and had been very excited about the possibility. When it fell through, I still had optimism thinking about T-Mac and Hill...and then the wheels came off. A horrible time for Magic fans.

Portugal has had one of the best pipelines of talent for years. This is long overdue and a complete shame that Ronaldo only played 24 minutes. But, it is a special aspect of this sport that those 24 minutes meant something...and his role after he left could mean so much.

I would take his style over Westbrooks any day.

Love Kellerman. Bayless will be missed though.

Your crazy. Kobe was much better. Kobe didn’t have the multiple HOFers to carry him through tough stretches either. Yes, Kobe had Shaq and Gasol to help with the load and I don’t discount the work of Horry, Fisher and Odom...but come on Duncan had: Robinson, Elliot, Ellie, Horry, Kerr, Jackson, Johnson, Bowen,

For me, Jordan and Bryant are the best players the NBA has seen for these reasons: They mastered every offensive/defensive skill in the game. They had undeniable work ethics. They adapted their games as they aged.

Tier 1 (top 3): Abdul-Jabbar, Jordan, Bryant

I could argue that Kobe is the 2nd best player ever behind Jordan. People can make quite a few arguments. The truth stands. Nobody worked harder, rose farther and amassed more than Kobe. 5 rings, 33,000+ pts, 20yrs.

Tim Duncan’s biggest fundamental was passing to the other future HOFers on his team. Look, he was great. Better than Kobe, absolutely not.