
ESPN 30 for 30: What if I told you a team would win a Championship, 73 games and sign a future HOFer in a envious embarrassment of riches. What if I told you they all went to jail and they were never heard from again....

And it begins....Warriors unraveling under the weight of their success...there is hope for 2017.

VERY sarcastic. I really feel for Frank. As a male, this series seems aimed at all the women stuck in difficult marriages, providing them a fictional tale they can live vicariously through where their husband is tossed about, shamed and derided, in favor of that “dream guy.”

We are about to see the two greatest countries in the free world run by women. Clinton and is truly the age of women. God help us all.

This whole series is a giant ‘F@$#’ you to Frank. When we meet him he’s a kind and loving man with a wonderful family history...and then it turns out his family, specifically his look a like, Black Jack Randall is an evil sexual deviant and Frank himself is sterile. So, Claire gets to go back in time, fall in love

Look, I think Duncan was one of a kind. He was great. He was a winner. But, I think his continued success could be more a tribute to the organization and the players around him than him. Put him anywhere else and not sure he has the impact.

I would argue that the old adage “rape isn’t about sex, but control/power” is a true one. I would also say that if you looked throughout nature, the male species don’t always look for “consent” but at times “submission”, cause in a man’s mind the two are almost synonymous. This is why promiscuity is so

I don’t know any man upon hearing the word “rape” wouldn’t pull out immediately...*unless they are rapists. “No” is confusing during intercourse cause it could simply be interpreted as “not so deep, not that angle, not so fast.”

This sounds like appropriate and mature parenting.

I think one of the issues that people don’t want to talk about, but it has been mentioned at that in the age range where most sexual assaults occur, men and women both “use” alcohol to help them engage in behavior they wouldn’t normally in order to get a “pass” later if they feel ashamed, guilty,

Coincidence this allegation comes out just as Jeter ties the knot?

They spoke to women b/n the ages of 19-28. Most were probably not discussing encounters within a marriage relationship. Promiscuous sex fueled by alcohol or where a woman feels conflicted, insecure or fearful says nothing about the man and more about her and her choices.

This is relationships people. Engagements...Marriages. Not all roses even on a beautiful day at Wimbledon.

There really are two problems here...1) the control and freedom women have over their bodies and 2) the control others exert over themselves. Yes, a woman should have the freedom to drink freely, wear as little as they want and do what they want with their bodies...and quite frankly they do. The majority of women in

As a white male myself, I understand the desire to create space for minorities and give them voices and heroes they can relate too and providing new generation heroes in the vein of established paradigms is the easy way to do it...but I feel betrayed in a way.

The whole new Star Trek is a bust now...first they have a gay actor playing Spock but he’s in a relationship w/ Uhura who probably should be w/ Kirk who should really be with the green chick...and now Sulu who’s straight played by a straight actor is gay...way too much belief to suspend here and we haven’t even

Did she have “work” done? She looks much more feminine than I remember.

I have never been a huge ‘Melo’ fan but this changed that. He’s right. It is great to make a living and have endorsements, but if we become slaves to corporations what will come of our humanity.

I think it is times of trouble that men should be most apt to jump into the fray, and traditionally they are. Women usually get significant leadership positions after years of company success and status quo when all feels “good” and handing the reigns to women seems fine. Typically, stability can mean all is well, or

I think that seems like a very narrow way of looking at it. There is plenty of blame to lay at the feet of men and women in politics. Brexit is a reaction to something that has been brewing for a long time. Remember, the vote was spearheaded by Britain’s aged population who remember what it was like before the E.U. so