
The bible is unclear about the amount of time Adam and Eve were actually in Eden, but we know that a) they were created as adults b) they were given tasks c) there was an established custom of walking with him daily in the garden. Also, they didn’t just break the rule but they believed the lie that they could be like

I think the greatest treasure they could find would be Jesus.

I think this could have easily been avoided had Pegg spoke to Takei before introducing this “divergence.” Had Takei heard Pegg’s take, I bet he would have been swayed and this could have been avoided.

You have what I consider to be a very traditional misunderstanding. God did not create Sin, Sin is just a natural consequence to “missing the mark.” Sin entered the world with man’s breaking of the rule God established for them, “Do not eat of this tree.” Scripture teaches that the wages of sin is death...the only

It is a shame Sleepy Hollow lost its way. Like Heroes, the first season was very good. There was potential. This also reminds me of Once Upon a Time. All three had a tremendous cast with two or three real standouts but the team of writers completely failed. Shame.

I think biblically speaking it is fascinating. You can trace much of what you argue back to the choice itself. There were those that chose the Lord then those that didn’t. Those that didn’t created for themselves other gods and idols. Over centuries we are just the receivers of numerous traditions and practices. But,

Honestly, and this will never happen, but across this country alcohol should be banned is all “college towns.” I am convinced that it is the main driver for all incidents of sexual mis-behavior.

Your reasoning and logic are sound outside the fact that you miss the 1 singular error...that the creator was not content with just creating, he spoke to us. He “revealed” himself to man by the Word, through His prophets and then by His Son. Because God revealed Himself we know their is a personal God, because we have

What I say doesn’t make it true, but it is what God says that matters. Look, I am not trying to convert you or win an argument...but if you were open minded and were inquisitive it seems like you would set your mind on looking intently at this view. The problem is that many just say “science, science” but have no idea

I think you are confused over what the truth is. Creation is but one significant evidence of a creator...Romans tells us it is significant enough that man has no excuse. Luckily, for those with inquisitive minds and a lust for knowledge and wisdom, His evidences are voluminous and vastly greater then just a tree.

I think this is great. It gives women some control and power in intimidating circumstances....however, it will have a significant affect on relationships they do seek to enter into, and put many men on the defensive. Culturally, women will have to re-educate themselves on behavior with the opposite sex. Good men have

I think it is nice to see the Cardinals have a down year. A few more won’t hurt.

I don’t agree with anything Trump or Hillary say....but as a nation we need to have some mature dialogue about these hard topics and if anything Trump is opening the door to those discussions.

DC, always winning.

Ok, so we have a white female Thor, hispanic male Spider-Man, black female Iron Man, arab female Mrs. Marvel, asian male Hulk..white male traitor Captain I missing anyone

Cyclops is the most under-utilized and poorly executed of all X-Men. It is almost like they use him only to make others more interesting.

I do not want to defend racist cops...but cops in general are people too. They have shifts they work and long like everyone else to make it home to their family when the day / night is over.

You must have a claim and evidence to equal a worldview. The order is irrelevant as long as the quest is honest and unbiased. The Bible makes a claim and that is where I start. The evidence of proofs is mountainous.

This is very sad news. Sulu was a great character, one of the guys...a man of action. Now, well, this is disturbing. Up next Star Wars and their reveal. Just a real shame.

The simplicity or complexity of life is not the requirement for the creator...they are the proof of a creator. Exodus 3:11-15 when God introduces himself as ‘I Am That Which I Am’ denotes that He is self-existent, he has his being in himself, and he is eternal and unchangeable. He created as part of who He is and the