
Want to play some football?

Oh hi Mark

She seems fine with it but also maybe don’t look to Vice for ethical standards?

Almost as if there’s a difference between playing a violent video game and threatening violence in real life (even as a joke).

I think there’s a bit more nuance there... it’s a bit of a false dichotomy.

Well, then it’s a good thing she chose professional beach volleyball as a profession instead of trying to make money giving you a three-inch erection.

Ah yes! The same standards that will air beach volleyball coverage and gymnastics. But god forbid a video game character wear a leotard!

The parents’ story is so awful, and so credible. I know a scared person who is just trying to keep safe when I see one.

Part of the sickening failure of this situation is that the perp has gotten away with revolting abuse and rape before. Now he has, it certainly seems to me, gone on to harm others. Justice is not

She also seems nervous as fuck in this video, like a beating soon come if she says the wrong thing.

Didn’t she say she wanted to be Ted Cruz’s LGBT ambassador? Fuck her. Just fuck her. Fuck her fuck her fuck her fuck her fuck her!

No he won’t go to trial. he will just he reassigned.

Well, she’s not ‘Merican. . . so I’m waiting on the cop-worshipping, Fox News sorts to the interpret “yoga teacher” and “foreigner” unto being her being some kinda drug lord. Unless of course there was a brown person nearby and she got shot “in the confusion”— in which case she will be totally innocent.

Hoteps are black people (usually cis-hetero men) who support black liberation, but only from their view point. They’re like the white feminists of black people. They typically are dismissive of black women and black people in the LGBTQ community, often stating that feminism and queer rights are in conflict with their

“That said, a broken clock is right twice a day and he makes some valid, even if annoyingly hoteppy, points in his rhetoric.”

Yeah, I know this guy. Not literally, thank goodness, but in life travels through our communities and some of the hustlers that we all know. In church, at the club, on the corner, at the picnic we all know this guy. The “Work hard not to work hard” guy, mom used to say.

Yeah, the headline should read: I Love Big TDs Has Reason to Feel Vindicated Today

Damn. Glad you made it to the other side.

Yep, using Master of None to try and make this point shows that the author is just seeing what she wants to see or didn’t actually watch it. There are four romantic interests in season 2 that get any real amount of screen time.