Honestly, as someone who’s attended a lot of festivals in the past, I’d love a festival without dudes.
Honestly, as someone who’s attended a lot of festivals in the past, I’d love a festival without dudes.
First one I did was this, because I could:
I disagree; it’s worth pointing out that not only is the President a disgusting misogynist, he’s also a fucking liar who conjures up blood out whatever woman he’s currently angry at for not wanting to fuck him.
Enjoy your President, hillbillies.
Those two things are definitely literally different.
No. She’s a scammer. I wouldn’t vote for Sylvia Browne either, after she told Amanda Berry’s mother that her missing daughter was dead in a body of water somewhere. So-called psychics make money off of exploiting people’s grief and anxiety.
her somewhat unflattering history as an internet psychic, which noted that Weaver had “performed a tarot card reading to reassure a distraught woman that her missing husband was not dead.
I’m guessing you aren’t a teacher.
Don’t worry! You will! We all will! So try to be open minded and kind while you’re still alive ;) Or don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“It takes place in a future Berlin where the Cold War never ended.”
the PC version is the best version of the game even without this mod. It still runs and looks a lot better than the PS4 Pro version
This isn’t really an especially gendered thing. Lots of women don’t get over ex-boyfriends and spouses, its literally the “Crazy Ex Girlfriend” archtype in media.
“ethics in gaming journalism” starter pack
Hey guys! I found the trilby-wearing neckbeard stereotype! Over here! First comment in an article about women and video games. I know! I’m totally surprised to see it too.
That’s not white knighting. What is this, week one on the internet?
So, even if you’re right about her, the guy still propositioned an underage girl with alcohol and drugs.
lol Sounds like a cool guy!
I have to agree. While I’m sure the 12 people who quit know much more, this man has not been investigated legally. Also I don’t really believe the first commenter was seeking to automatically defend the guy right away. He was just pointing out that it’s odd this woman was claiming to be uncomfortable around “lolex”…
Well, it’s easy to ignore great shows with adult protagonists like shouwa genroku rakugo, Katanagatari and Tiger and Bunny that are more recent when all you focus on is the bog standard fan service laden high school schlock, which even within that bubble has a fair number of fascinating stories being told in…
So you think the smartest people in America are politicians? Hahahahahahhahahahaha
It’s always so strange to me how people have such a hard time believing that 1. law enforcement officials have often chosen their professions specifically because it allows for abuse of power and 2. how unjustly and poorly women - especially poor women - are treated in this society.