Death and dismemberment are hilarious!
Death and dismemberment are hilarious!
While I love a good pun-fest, the subject here and heinous corporate evilness covering up customer deaths and injuries makes it about as un-funny as you can get. Not even dark humor relieves this situation.
I thought I was the only kid who did that. Hello, friend!
This was well written Ryan. Really sad story for the families.Goodyear is trash, and I’ll never put anything like that on any of my vehicles.
This is a good example of why heat management is a part of suspension design. It never really sunk in until I watched this video.
I always wanted a trophy truck for when I am stuck behind a line of lane blockers on a divided interstate. I just dream of cutting into the grassy median and blasting by, maybe hit one of the police turn arounds and get some air too. It would be glorious.
Love that view. I’m mesmerized watching that suspension work.
When I was a child on road trips, I would just stare at the shoulder of the road and imagine I was riding a quad or dirt bike across the terrain keeping up with us in the car. I would imagine the suspension soaking up bumps and any obstacle was a sick jump.
I was intel in the Army. We had the full Janes collection of books. When it was slow I used to pour through them. I also got Janes Defence Weekly every week.
I just found my copy last weekend going through old boxes.
If you ask my father what the biggest military flop in history is? He’ll tell you it’s a mix of Government hands getting into the pot, terrible design, and a reliability being a bottom barrel concern.
It is the better system as we all use hour/minute/seconds so the logical thing would be year/month/day in front of it.
Or that America uses the month/day/year format when most of the world uses either the day/month/year format or year/month/day format (more common in Asia).
“everyone uses/knows metric” is on my list of sensible Genie wishes.
My favorite line from that video was the drive-thru attendant: “Is something wrong with the car or with you?”
So I saw this really very reasonable and utilitarian title, then saw Torch wrote it. I thought to my self “Self, maybe its a slow news day. Mabe Torch wrote a regular, normal article”.
OK, I just have to ask. The seized rear brakes have caused you no end of trouble since you bought this thing ... why did it take to long to try turning the adjuster screw? I mean, I’m as shocked as anybody that it wasn’t seized too, but you didn’t even try?