I live for all this good news. Humanity might just be OK after all, if we can keep being kind to one another. All it…
I live for all this good news. Humanity might just be OK after all, if we can keep being kind to one another. All it…
I appreciate your take, JParks. And thanks for keeping it civil. You’re right that patriotism or perhaps more correctly, nationalism is a big part of this. And I suppose what goes with that is intolerance of protesters or criticism. It can be difficult to unravel, but it seems more extreme when dissent comes from a…
Dear Racists trying to comment onhere,
I have a question: Where are the water protectors for Flint, Mich.? I ask this because the city shut off water…
The former East Tennessee State University student who wore a gorilla mask and disrupted a Black Lives Matter…
...the fuck would someone make that shit up?
Eighteen-year-old Breana Harmon Talbott of Denison, Texas, ran into a church and told people she had been kidnapped…
Overreact much? I didn’t justify anything, the law did. You can pretend it isn’t there, but that doesnt change the fact that it IS there.
Anyway, Sports fans do get rowdy, but the police DO wear body cams and have been known to carry cameras into events like the superbowl. It just isn’t reported as big news because…
Let’s be perfectly honest here. Plenty of BLM protests turned violent in the past, with rioting, looting, physical violence, and in some cases the burning of businesses. Whether that was actual BLM members or nebulous “outsiders” is irrelevant, as these things DO happen regardless of the groups stated intent. As such,…
In its final year, the Obama administration spent a record $36.2 million on legal costs defending its refusal to…
GWU is the wrong sort of university to target. I suppose there could be a few closet alt-right shitheads in it for the networking, but that’s not really the reputation. It’s very much an internationalist/pluralist school. You’re more likely to find a white guy speaking Arabic than a white guy tossing out alt-right…
Virginia McLaurin made news last year when she cut a rug with the Obamas during a Black History Month event at the…
Hey CPD Twitter account, I see you guys already convicted her without a trial. Way to influence the jury pool.
While everyone is in an uproar about the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare,…
I detest the New York City subway system with all my heart. But this story actually put a smile on my face because…
To all the damn-the-torpedoes revolutionaries out there suggesting, without actually saying so, that violence is the best means of resistance, consider why you’re so reluctant to come out and say it. Perhaps because saying it loud and clear would expose its inanity?
Posting things like this without substantial evidence is what gives the term “fake news” its strength.
I am no Trump supporter, but an extraordinary claim like this requires extraordinary evidence...but it’s Trump...Okay, at least some evidence.