
What a great story... It’s awesome when a ‘regular’ person makes a massive impact on the world. Someone below said it best; this future “Nurse” will save many lives during their career.
What a great way to leave a legacy; talk about Footprints-in-the-Sand.

All of the below concerns are very very real but here is a possible take on this...
What is the “Number 1" reason given for the dramatic loss of AF/AM men at the hands of the Police?!?
1) He rushed me/I felt threatened/My life....blah blah blah...
This reason is NO LONGER justified if a racist at the end of a joystick

Great stuff, there needs to be a bright-light on this until it gets resolved.
It is mind-boggling that this can still happen. The only side-article I read suggested she was let go in Dec. but the Execs allowed here to remain ‘employed’ as she was about to go on medical leave. By doing this she retained her

The sad fact is, that he IS likely to enjoy the “sun” on a regular schedule once he is in prison. I know I know, prison is hell and that is a punishment. But in my mind, it seems WOEFULLY inadequate for the douche-bag that killed not only 9 innocent people, but probably permanently marred/damaged/ruined the lives of

I am not “whitesplaining” anything... I am having a discussion with thoughtful, respectful members of an Open-Online community.
Thanks for your contribution, it has been unvaluable....

“...what does that make them”? To their friends and family they are probably seen as “Patriots” and “True Americans” - I assume...
But I do see your point (I think) - that by suggesting the One side are patriotic, I have implied that the Other side is not. (I didn’t see that, and I did NOT mean that, my-bad).
I guess I

And “Thanks” for the thoughtful reply. I know I have NO CLUE what being oppressed is like, and hopefully I never come across as representing like I do. I do enjoying read the articles and comments on this site, it offers a lot of insight and perspective I don’t instinctively see. In discussions I have with

White-righteousness may very well be a “plague”. I just think in this story Colin pissed off a lot of Patriotic Americans, maybe they have thin skin, and yup the majority are White.
But this same White people support the NFL on any given day. A League with almost 70% of Top Talent being AF/AM...
They LOVE their

Not a troll... Enjoying reading The Root on a daily basis. I think most of my comments are respectful, and hopefully add something to the general discussion.
I didn’t say, ever, that protesting itself is unpatriotic, I simply said for those that are uber-patriotic and Flag Loving, they general regard the National

Ditto to “your” made-up facts. Site a reference? And until you can point to something that discounts my assertion, yours is equally invalid.
You haven’t specified anything other than to blame Whiteness... Sure, go with that... Black deaths at the hands of mostly “white men”??? You might want to restate this assertion,

It will be an interesting case. I am no constitutional lawyer, but I would expect that this WILL end up being ‘protected speech’...
But how sad that this even exists as a ‘thing’ that actually happened.

I am not some pie-in-the-sky guy who figures everyone will always get along, but there is just NO POSSIBLE way one

So many replies from people wondering “who would do this”... It’s Human nature to wonder. But this is a POS, and that’s all she is.
<Standard Disclaimer: Unless she has diagnosed mental issues>
I only wish the Punishment would be more severe. If you look at the recent avalanche of examples of people filing false

I get it, “wypipo” are the devil and cause all of the world’s evil, but the council for Flint is made up of 9 elected individuals with a ratio of 7-2; with 2 being wypipo...
I am sure White guys screwed up the water system, but your frustration is that wipipo aren’t protesting the decision of a mainly AF/AM City

That really is a GREAT comment. The ‘protectionism’ within all of the Emergency services is because of the perception of the us-vs-them. In a past life I was a Paramedic, and a white-guy (still white, just not a medic anymore. :), and the “us” was anyone not involved in EMS, Police or Fire and not a “color” thing. But

UGH... Just bury this POS in some dingy a*s cell somewhere and forget where he is. What a great example of the EVIL that can exist in people.
Not sure how this meets the definition of “Terrorism” though, other than the obvious one: It causes “Terror” for anyone in the AF/AM community. Maybe that is all that is needed

So, as your tagline says “...class, when they go low, you go lower.” is this you going ‘lower’?
Is this article intended to goof on Republicans/Conservatives or Politicians or on people who believe in God?
I really look forward to your piece attacking Democrats, Individuals and believers of Islam. (Lots of examples

The problem here is that a majority of serious NFL fans are diehard fans of the Flag, America and Freedom. All of these things circulate around one consistent oath... The ANTHEM... So when Colin choose that Anthem as the ‘thing’ he was going to show his protest at, it fell on mainly “deaf” ears.
You ever heard the

Someone below said “Do Not Run from Cops”... SMH and some Eye-rolling.
That can’t always be the answer. For the record I have said the same, many times. Cop yells stop, drop to the ground, live-another-day and sue them in court.
In this case though, the existence of Body-Cam footage provided a very telling perspective

The “issue” is usually perspective. The website you refer to shows 244 Police related death. Even if ALL of those were AF/AM that would represent a 1-in-149,512 chance of being killed by police if you are AF/AM. And the police saw 29 deaths so far in 2017 or 1-in-25,900 chance of death.
Of the above list, you can

Yup, that’s why you ROCK!!! My comment was really at the masses that are reacting to the Sessions action, and just aren’t aware that it is a fairly normal step for new administrations. :)