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All swingers have hot tubs!

White linen pants and shirt, unbuttoned. Loafers, no socks. Parks his boat in a cove and waits.

When swinging folks want to feel someone out, they say shit like “So, what are you into?”. Hoping that leads to conversation of a sexual nature.

Emily and Mandy one-upped themselves too hard and too fast. They ran out of shit to write about and now they suck big time.

It almost sounds like maybe we shouldn’t care as much bc they were Latinos.

Sanford Bishop can fuck off so hard. even his name sounds corrupt.

Nobody has anything good to say about this thing but it’s here and we have no choice but to make it work.

Lol thanks!

Immigrants can be racist too, that’s why. Northern Italian immigrants think they are better than southern, Cubans think they are better than Mexican, etc etc.

I need to remember to show this to my son in a few years.

When people are all “dirty south heeeey”, it’s not lol. This place is filthy. But at least throwing fast food garbage out the window on the interstate isn’t acceptable behavior anymore.


Dang, power puff pawpaw!

That makes me so sad, but it’s really f’n rad you won a Viking.

597 messages?!

We all make mistakes! Sounds like you’re covered in them ;)

I feel like this is exactly how Cruz responds to jokes.

I wish this gif included the door opening and Trump is just sitting there like a bloated sack of used up assholes.

Please tell me more about the anti-science left.
