Noah Porter

well obviously you're not the only person who lives in an isolated place. There's a way for you to make new friends too; isn't that supposed to be the revolutionary change of the internet, that we can meet like minded people despite the geographic?

I'm surprised that technology hasn't solved this issue yet! I'm recently married and in my early 30's and there is a strong chance we won't have any kids. I'm trying my best to maintain my relationship with my existing friends with kids but is this what we have to look forward to???

Vespas usually start at 2500 used and new they are twice as much. You'd be surprised how much they try to get for them.

Or all the other times the US supported a propped up puppet that later became a despot.

well this is only the first chapter in an entire book; I think the purpose was to get people engaged enough to check the rest of it out and not have it stand on it's own.

IF they are properly recognized for their accomplishment.

Wow Alexis is married to Alyson Hannigan? Never would have seen that coming.

I'll second that even I know my feelings come mostly from the low production value of the mini-series.

they never did explain that. or what that device was inside Danny? Was that keeping the 'tricity nanites away from his cancering nanites?

Yes self-replicating nanites that can be centrally controlled and are programmed to do one thing which is to stop 'tricity!

Now playing

Funny that this came up because I've got a whole host of cars in one video: Civic Type-Rs, CRX, and Integra Type-R's oh my

yeah Goonies and The Money Pit are classic 80's movies.

I vote that Giz should do this by holding their very own BBQ this spring/summer.

I've had it before and, at least by taste and sight, nothing seems to have leeched into the food.

F that; if I ever had that combination I would want to be taken out ASAP. Put a bullet in my grinning head and put me in the ground because the rest of life would never be as good as that moment.

Hot women at E-Town? Like actually hot or "Import Model" hot?

Yeah I'd like to know myself; considering getting one or an E46 potentially.

I found some here:

I'm in online advertising and I use algebra quite often along with some light statistics (which I hate).