Noah Porter

It’s good to see research advancing in these areas; at least we are looking for potential issues before we create new problems. But… everything we do will have an impact. Anyone selling “zero impact” is selling a lie. Hydrogen makes sense for some applications (trucking, shipping, military). It’s going to take a

I’m honestly fine with this for the most part but as is always pointed out - where are the mandatory infrastructure bills to go along with? All the major urban centers will need to install plugs alongside parking meters plus huge offsets for homes and apartments.

Not the point. My wife used to race carts but doesn’t know how to drive stick. She’d love this course because she’d learn how to use a manual and have fun with it on a track, plus we live in LA so it’s a day trip. I’m seriously thinking about it for a birthday gift for her.

I’d refrain from calling devs lazy — there are a host of reasons why the status quo is what it is, as we’ve discussed. The point about visual damage indicating aero problems to other racers is a good one, though. That’s why it’s also important for visual damage not to be totally client-side — all players should see

I’m sure it does, but there are some out there who still prefer three pedals, and that stubborn preference will trump any other metric that the Accord excels in for those buyers.

exactly. Go to Wyoming and see what the coal mines there have done or spend time in Lousiana and see what all the refineries have done, etc a million times. need to view lithium and cobalt companies as similar to oil companies. Even if there is a better option they’ll do everything they can to stop it.

Just because lots of people are looking for alternatives, doesn’t mean they will find it. You can’t formulate policies based on ‘don’t worry, they will think of something’.

Lithium will not remain the critical component. Battery energy densities are constantly increasing.

Save the planet, have yourself spayed or neutered.”

EV purist are gonna hate you but this is the way. EV’s are gonna have to transition to some kind of a hybrid to remain relevant.

You alluded to it in the last paragraph, but I thought I would expand on that point more. The entry fee itself isn’t the real point of contention, it is just the latest beach head in the war. None of which has anything to do with the actual quality of racing, of course. Thats Formula 1!

It’s a matter of capacity. For A/C, you only need ~25F change in temperature to be comfortable, max, and usually more like 15F, and the dehumidification that is inherent in it works in your favor. For heat, you need 70+F change in temperature. And colder working temps require better and more expensive tech to work

heat pumps break thinking on conservation of energy a little, at least it did for me until I looked into it. It’s important to think of them as moving heat, not making it. They are measured in COP or coefficient of performance. The short explanation of COP is KW in as power to KW out as heat. A COP of 1 means you are

I hope you are being sarcastic.

Pindycar 600 Series here we come !

Seems like Indy could make a lot more money licensing to a bunch of people and have content out there instead of just one company that can’t seem to get their shit together.

As long as car collectors, V6 muscle car dudebros, Instagram influencers, car YouTubers, and Jay Leno get to keep that glorious noise, I don’t think anyone will care.

But seriously, in a world increasingly trying (and mostly unsuccessfully) transitioning to carbon-neutral, this may become revolutionary for cold weather

given that we haven’t got any more of whatever a muscle car was, and the Mustang and Camaro aren’t, then what available today comes closest?

Never quite understood this mindset, that the unrepentant d-bag is somehow better or more respectable than someone who might be a d-bag, but has the awareness to know being a d-bag isn't something to celebrate or broadcast...