That is an interesting and unfortunate perspective, but I postulate that welfare is better reserved for people rather than for corporations.
That is an interesting and unfortunate perspective, but I postulate that welfare is better reserved for people rather than for corporations.
I hate capitulations to the superstitious as much as anyone, but I think healthcare for all, provided irrespective of employment, is one benefit that would assuredly not be dragging is back to the dark ages. The present system, where we attempt to get them to compromise and we have to continue to waste money fighting…
Sweet Monkey Jesus.
And the governor is pardoning Bree Newsome... When?
Are there any fundraisers to help the victims of these “accidents?” It’s something I feel is missing from what little coverage I see of this.
I was really hoping she’d helm Captain Marvel, reimagined as a Carol Danvers/Monica Rambeaux mashup (i.e. Giving Marvel a top-tier female superhero of color). This is okay, though.
I don’t like the idea of sweating at the gym in the middle of the day, only to have to take a 10 minute shower and swaddle my still-dripping self back into dress clothes. I found a slight compromise, though: I picked a place for lunch that’s just over a mile from my office. I walk there, grab a salad, walk back, and…
I wish this was part of every freshman orientation:…
I found this cery interesting, because I’m currently trying to get my first tattoo. I had my heart set on a really nice, local, woman-owned place with good reviews and a mostly female staff (I just feel more comfortable not having a dudemanbro do my ink), but they require you to email the artists and request a…
Right, hence “killed.” A Brienne POV chapter ends with something akin to “his axe took her in the back of the head,” only for her to wale up once the story gets back to her. I also thought Arya’s blinding in HoB&W had something like “darkness took her,” but she gets better. He likes ambiguous cliffhangers.
Hasn’t he ended other chapters by ambiguously “killing” both Brienne and Arya, though? At least one of them, I’m fairly sure...
Obviously these people have never heard my inner monologue.
A lie.
A lie.
Lol, yes! It can be tough finding the right fit for a doctor, I’ve found many to be far more prudish than I’d ever have imagined. Glad to hear you found a good one, eventually
Even I don’t know how many partners I’ve slept with. Do people actually notch a bedpost or what?
One of the (IMO) better lubes. It’s very thick and comes in a tub that cheekily apes Country Crock.
Thank god. I actually feel really happy with this resolution. It sucks she had to be discriminated against, in the first place, but at least she’s blazed a trail for future trans people!
Oil generally gives you a moister, wetter cake, butter gives you a denser texture and that golden butter flavor. I’ve made lots of both as a professional and amateur baker, and pretty much any cake our bakery made used oil unless it was specifically pound cake.