1599? more like 1488, isn’t it?
1599? more like 1488, isn’t it?
Even the Ring Verse says that:
Just when the photocopier recognizes a bank note and refuses to print.
“feel safe”
No, they don’t want to _feel_ safe. They want to BE safe.
Huge difference.
Far Cry 5, New Dawn, for example.
They made Far Cry, how can the screw up this bad?! Are there multiple companies with the same name?
“given that the authors themselves admitted to an impropriety”
I wonder how many “armed personnel” was in the same room while they wrote that...
P-word :D:D
I have 409 hours (yes, four hundred and nine) in Far Cry 4 (not multi, not coop!) and 233 in Far Cry 5. So what?
Larry really wants that JEDI contract...
The problem is, this virus is coming to you and me at airplane speed. So you should be slightly worried.
It was a bad game (not the story), so I hope not...
Damned millennials ruined the diamond industry!!
Actually, that is what happened.
Don’t forget the part where the two main culprits (who had been fired from Microsoft), were golden parachuted into high-level gov’t positions.
“hide in plain sight"
Why not just declare them as a designated terrorist group?
Religious? Check.
Ideological? Check.
Aims to destabilize a state? Check.
Armed? Check.
If Iraq was invaded on gossips, anti-vaxxers could be handled with no less force.
This fits perfectly to the Indian image.
I cannot unsee the Goldstein reference. Orwell did know his shit.