
Yeah, the list of things that cause Weiner to act like a giant asshole is pretty long, and “monogamy” is like on the third page.

Personal assistant? I get that you’re being provocative and shit, but that’s an overwhelmingly eye-rolling bit of nonsense you’re trying out.

Yeah, speaking from experience as a woman and a human, guys like this are just LIKE THIS. It stems from narcissism (as far as I can tell) and whether single, lonely, married to a crazy shut-in cat lady or dating Halle Berry don't make no difference. They do what they do. Ain't no fixing it.

Some people just shouldn’t enter monogamous relationships as they are incapable of that type of dedication/sacrifice. He appears to be one of them.

Everyone forgets, if they ever knew in the first place. The media never treated it as a relevant part of the story, and on the rare occasions it was mentioned, it was treated as an insignificant footnote. Or worse, as funny — “Look at this nonplussed college student trying to explain to the reporters following her

This. It has absolutely nothing to do with her.

Don’t go looking for meaning by connecting it in any way with his wife. The reality is that this self-destructive behavior is clearly what gets him off—he was doing this when he was one of the most visible Democratic members of congress; he was doing it when he was running for mayor; he’s doing it now that he’s got

Eh, saying “why would he do that to her, she’s so awesome!” implies that less awesome women deserve it or something. This kind of thing nearly always has very little to do with the cheatee and everything to do with the cheater. I honestly think some people aren’t built to be monogamous, which is fine as long as

Th problem with this theory is that it still inadvertently places some of the blame on the woman. It does’t matter what the woman looks like, or how smart and accomplished she is, or how great a mother she is; if a man wants to cheat, he will. For the sole reason of, because he can.

Do you have to shit all over the peculiar and unattractive?

I can totally believe that’s it, along with him getting off on the whole “getting away with it” sneakiness.

This isn’t about Americans being sexually repressed prudes. This is about his fundamental disrespect of his wife (maybe monogamy isn’t for everyone, but then they shouldn’t make a vow to be monogamous) and child- he had his fucking kid in his sexting pictures!

I say this every time, but the picture that broke the scandal wasn’t just a little harmless sexting. He sent an unsolicited dick pic to a college student who tweeted him to talk about politics and who was none too happy to find herself thrust into the national spotlight because Weiner turned out to be a sleaze.

huh really? You’re making this about monogamy and Americans being prudish? I’m European and this guy disgusts me. He’s sent mutiple dick picks to random women who didn’t even ask for it. He’s an asshole. Of course his political career has been ruined, how could it not be?

Would you like me to go into detail about all the other ways he was a manipulative shit throughout their marriage? I once witnessed him berating her in public, for example, because she got confused about what time an unimportant event started. That’s actually quite mild compared to some of the shit he put her through.

With situations like this, it has very little to do with the spouse. It doesn’t matter how much of a catch the world thinks the spouse is.

Or he is just an huge, narcissistic asshole who thinks he is entitled to whatever pleasure is in front of him. I’m pretty sure if his wife was a plain looking woman who had a normal job and stayed in the background, he would still be looking for strange in all the wrong places.

I’m very confused by Walter. You’d think he’d be PRO-Nazi, based on the rest of what he wrote. Re-read your manifesto, Walter! You have strayed.

“Sent from my iPhone” is the best part of Paul’s screed. I bet Steve Jobs is proud of that one.

I just want to point out that 99% of these emails were sent by men (thanks for ruining a potential perfect score Leslie).

Is #yesallwomen still a relevant hashtag?